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WE WERE NOW AT THE CULLEN'S HOUSE, TRYING TO FIGURE OUT BELLA'S SITUATION. a passer had came into Bella house probably looking for her. Edward paces, frustrated. Alice is stressed. Bella tries to track their fast-paced conversation with Carlisle, Me, Rosalie, and Esme.

"No, Alice— it was a stranger. I didn't recognize his scent." Edward told Alice

"A nomad passing through?" Esme questioned

"A passer-by wouldn't have left Bella's father alive." Rosalie told them

Bella's chilled by the thought. Esme wraps an arm around her just as The boys burst through the doors. Jasper went to My side, burying his face into my hair and inhaling my scent. He felt protected at the thought of an unknown vampire.

He wouldn't leave ms alone now, especially when he had a soulmate now It makes him almost possessive. He's almost scared for me.

"His scent disappeared about five miles south of Bella's house." Jasper told us grabbing my hand as he stood beside me.

"Someone orchestrated this." Edward says

"Victoria." I suggested

"No, it has to be the volturi." Edward says looking at me as I nod agreeing with him

"Checking to see if I've been changed?" Bella asked

"I don't think it was the volturi either. I've been watching Ari's decision's." Alice told us

"We gotta find this fool and get some answers out of him." Emmet says

"We also need to take shifts at Bella's house." Carlisle told us

"Another protection detail?" Rosalie asked as I moved from Jasper to her and grab her arm gently

She looked at me softly

"Rosalie." Esme said sternly

"No, she's right. You can't watch over me and My dad, and search for the intruder, and for Victoria, and keep yourselves fed. Your eyes are black when's the last time you went hunting? You're already too busy protecting me." Bella told us

"I'm not about to let you fend for yourself." Edward told her

"I'm not about to let you starve." Bella told him

Bella shot back.

"Besides, I wouldn't be unprotected. I have..." she trails off.

I immediately catches on to her idea and stands up.

"Edward you're gonna love this." You smirked

"What?" Edward asked me.

"The werewolves." I say with a simple shrug Edward looks at Bella with disbelief.

He is about to say something, but Carlisle interrupts. "That could work."

She stops, an idea occurring. She looks at him, a tiny glimmer of optimism flashing on her face.

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