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THE RAIN HAS STOPPED, BUT THE PARKING LOT IS FULL OF WATER AND PATCHES OF BLACK ICE. A shivering, Bella. Heads towards her truck with me following behind.

As we reach her truck, I look across the parking lot.

Jasper stands next to Alice and Rosalie by a red convertible about to climb in. A moment our eyes meet...then he looks towards the sound of a high pitched screech, the quickly grows louder.

I turn to see the van, skidding on the ice., careening out of control, heading for Me and Bella. Time suddenly fractures, compressing to stillness, then exploding in burst of speed as the face of the students in shock, seeing what's coming.

The van's drivers face Tyler, desperately trying to gain control, then shielding his face

Jasper's face looking at me with horror...

The van is about to hit Bella's truck, with Me and her standing in between. When suddenly I push Bella out of the way. And suddenly I get hit and pushed into Bella's truck, my eyes closed, I finally open my eyes and see Jasper hovering over me. I looked towards my right to see that Edward was with Bella checking up on her.

He wasn't even near me.

Edward wasn't no where near Bella.



I passed out.

A sound of beeping rings in my ears. As my eyes fluttered open. Seeing my mom and my dad asleep in a single chair

My mom was in his lap asleep and so was my dad.

"Mom?" I whispered and my mom jumped right up

"Sweetie! Mark ! Wake up." My mom smacked my dad's chest

Dad finally woke up

"How are you feeling, sweetie?" My mom asked me

"I'm okay. My head hurts." I told her

"They said you bumped your head but not to major, you should be fine." Dad told me

"There's somebody waiting for you." Mom told as she left my room and came back with Jasper trailing behind her

"Jasper here saved you, he was the one who took you to the hospital." My mom told me

"Thank you." I told him

Jasper smiled sadly

"We'll give you two a moment." My Mom grabs my dad's hand and drags him out of the room

Jasper head was down almost like he was disappointed in himself

"I'm sorry." He whispered

"For what?" I asked him
Jasper was silent

𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 | 𝐉𝐀𝐒𝐏𝐄𝐑 𝐇𝐀𝐋𝐄Where stories live. Discover now