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IT HAS BEEN A WEEK SINCE BELLA AND EDWARD WENT OFF ON THEIR HONEYMOON AT ISLE ESME. Carlisle offered them the island since nobody had used it for a very long time.

Me and Jasper were now outside in our big tree. Jasper's back was perch on the tree branch while I was laid on his chest, his arms wrapped protectively around me while I held his hands. We were talking about a lot of things such as our future, Embarrassing moments, Fears and frustrations, Fears and insecurities, our past, our family, etc.

Me and Jasper were big on communication and that's something I take to heart.

There was a time in my life where I thought communication was stupid and dumb

All that crap you hear on tv about communicating and expressing feelings, is lie, no one really cares what you have to say.

I always used to say that to people whenever they wanted me to open up.

Opening up was really hard for me but Jasper never pressure me into talking about things I didn't want to. He knew automatically that I would come to him when I was ready.

I let go of jasper's hand and put them on my sides

Jasper looked down seeing my head on his chest, he put his hand on my back and played with my hair a little

He looked up at the sky

"We could travel the world together... I could teach you all the things I love to do, and who knows what else..." He looks back at me

"You're the only thing I'll need right now. As long as you're by my side, I feel as if I can do anything." Jasper told me which made me smile

"Where would we go?" I asked him

"Anywhere you'd like... Italy, France, England... it could be fun trying to blend in somewhere in Asia where being pale and having golden amber eyes is normal..." Jasper chuckled

He put his other hand on my back, rubbing small circles on my back softly

"That sounds amazing."

Jasper smiled

"I mean as long as we're together I could be happy anywhere." Jasper stated to me

"DELILAH!" Alice shouted

I groan as Jasper laughed. I smacked his chest

"Stop laughing. She's been driving me crazy with wedding preparations." I told him

"I know, darling, I know." Jasper pressed a kiss my temple

Alice approached us with a scoff

"There you are. Come look at these magazines with wedding dresses." Alice told me

Me and jasper jumped down from the tree onto our balcony, I let go of jaspers hand and started walking with Alice.

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