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THE NEXT DAY, ME AND JASPER ARE AT THE CULLEN HOUSEHOLD, IN HIS ROOM. He had finally got a bed for when I wanted to stay over. The bed was actually comfy

As I laid on the bed Jasper read me a book.

"Can we do something? Like a hike or something." I asked him

He put the book down closing it and sat up straight.

"Are you ribs up for that?" Jasper asked

"They're fine." I got up from the vibes and grabbed his arm

He got up and placed his hands on my waist carefully not to touch my left side to much

"Okay, come on." Jasper grabbed my hand as we made it towards his balcony

I got on his back and he start swinging of the trees and we finally stop when we made it to a big tree where we could sit down

I was sat in between Jasper legs as I lean against his chest

"Jasper, would you ever change me?" I asked him

He was silent looking out at the view

"That would be your choice. If it was up to me I won't end your life for you." Jasper told me

"I don't want to be a vampire, Jasper." I stated softly

"And that's fine." Jasper kissed my cheek

"Is it fine, eventually you'll lose me." I told him

"You're going to have a long and happy life with me without you being a vampire. You don't have to be a vampire to fully be with me." Jasper told me

I look at him and finally smile

"I'm glad."

No one will surrender tonight. But I won't give in, I know what I want now.


Twilight is done!

ONTO- Twilight New Moon

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