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BACK AT THE HOUSE, AS JACOB SLEEPS ON THE COUCH, BELLA AND EDWARD WATCH FROM THE WINDOW AS THE CULLEN'S COME BACK AFTER THEIR HUNT. Me and Jasper jump from a tree and land on our feet, our lips meet tenderly, smiling in such a loving way. Rosalie comes into the house first looking at Renesmee in Bella's arms

Jacob wakes up as the other enter the house, Me and Alice walks up to Bella

"Happy birthday." Alice said

"Happy birthday!" I said

"I stopped aging three days ago." Bella stated

"Well, we're celebrating anyway. So suck it up." Alice stated

I held out a key for Bella

Me and Alice takes Bella to her surprise present

"I still hate surprises. That hasn't changed." Bella stated to us

"You'll love this one. Welcome home!" Alice stated

Bella sees a house, which is near the Cullen's house and mine and jasper's home

"We thought you guys might like a place of your own. Since we got Jasper and Delilah their own place. We thought it would be fitting you guys got your own place too."  Alice explained to Bella

"What do you think?" I asked her

"I think it's perfect." Bella smiles

"Go inside." I told her

Edwards takes Bella's hand and they walk towards their house

"Have fun." Alice stated

I turned to Alice

"All right, I'm gonna go check in the house for a bit is that good?" I asked her

"Of course, you don't have to ask Delilah." Alice smiles at me as I turn heel and run towards mine and jasper's house.

I walk inside the new and beautiful house

"Darling?" Jasper shouts from upstairs

"Yes." I shouted back going upstairs where I see Jasper putting sheets and a comforter on our bed

Jasper was now done with our bed and I stand there looking at it. He comes up behind me rubbing my back gently

"You know Alice stoked your closet for you?" Jasper told me

"Yeah, I know. I have some of my clothes in that closet." I chuckled

"Just some?" Jasper chuckled with me

Jasper starts kissing my neck

His hands found my waist again and boosted me up, so I sat on the desk in the middle of the room. "Jas—" I was cut off with his lips. My body responded to the tenderness the kiss brought by returning the favor and grabbing his neck, deepening the make-out session. He caressed my cheek before moving his kisses down my neck to my collarbone, where he sucked at my sensitive spot. I wrapped my legs around his lower abdomen and pulled him closer

His warm lips fell to my throat, where he kissed a trail down my exposed cleavage. I began unbuttoning his shirt. While I was working to shed him of his clothing, he was doing the same with my jeans and my shirt. Or at least trying

Since my jeans were so tight, he almost ripped them while trying to unbuttoned the button. he broke the kiss on my skin to lower himself and slip the rest of my jeans off and my shirt leaving me in bra and my panties

I got hungry at just the familiar sight of him without a shirt and reconnected the kiss roughly. I threw his belt into the wall, making a loud thud, which put a hole in the wall from such a hard and rough impact and tugged down his pants, which he stepped out of. Now we were both only in our underwear, and he pressed himself gassing me.

He unclasped my bra and dropped it near our other clothes. I broke the kiss and flipped us around, so he slammed into the desk, causing it to screech against the floor. I knelt down, and with one quick motion, his boxers were removed, and his cock sprung free. It was so hard it looked painful, and based on Jasper's groan of relief

I wanted to please him

I wanted to rock his world

My lips molded to fit his entire length into my mouth but he pulled away

"No, no. Today's not about me, darling." Jasper stared

"Please, let me please you, let me make you feel good." I told him he couldn't resist my eyes so he nodded hesitantly

his hand latched onto my hair. He pulled slightly, which sent a certain shock through me, and I increased my speed, sucking on his tip.

"Darling," he whispered, and the grip on my hair tightened. My hand began pumping the rest of his length as I focused on his sensitive spot. He began twitching from under me as he edged closer and closer to his release. I stopped right when he was about to cum and stood up,  his face became serious, and I smirked.

"You're teasing me, now?" Jasper spoke up

I raised my eyebrow

I saw his cock jerk, and his eyes suddenly got filled with rage and starvation. He swapped us around and bent me over the desk aggressively. He ripped off my panties and slammed into me. I moaned for the first time tonight and tried to clutch onto something, but there was nothing besides the other side of the desk, which was too far away. Instead, I grasp his wrist, which was resting on my hip.


The first thrust had me screaming his name everything felt enhanced in this moment, these feelings felt different to me. I broke my hands from his loosening hold and tangled them into his hair. I tugged him down, so his lips collided with my neck, where he began bitting and kissing harshly. I whimpered when the burning feeling in the pit of my stomach arrived, and my walls clenched around him. He sensed my fidgeting and held me tighter to his body while using his fingers to play with my cilt.

I yanked his hair again, sending his head back and a grunt left his lips. The twitching started again, and he got sloppier as both our orgasms came closer. A few hasty pounds later, we both rode out our highs by touching ourselves.

"That was amazing." he breathed, wrapping his arms around my waist as he fell on the bed, as we cuddle With heavy pants filling the room, I turned around slowly. My eyes met his, and I saw a line of sweat near his eyebrows, his hair a sprawled out mess. I grabbed his chin and gave him several long and passionate kisses

He looked down at me softly

"You really were holding back before. I'm never gonna get enough of this. We don't get tired. We don't have to rest or catch our breath or eat. I mean, how are we gonna stop?" I asked him laying on his chest now

Jasper smiles

"Rosalie and Emmett were so bad, it took a solid decade before we could stand to be within five miles of them. It was crazy." Jasper stated to me

"I think we might be worse." I stated to him

Jasper smirks

"Definitely worse." Jasper stated

We start kissing and making love again all night.

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