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ALL DAY I HAVEN'T SEEN JASPER, IT WAS LIKE HE WAS GHOST. It was weird not seeing him at all. Usually I saw him everyday but today just wasn't one of those days and I couldn't understand why. The night on Bella's birthday when he drove me home was weird too. I just hoped he wasn't avoiding me over something so small.

I sat in my room doing my homework when I looked over towards my window to see Jasper sitting on the window seal.

He felt eyes on him making him look up


"Take a walk with me, please." He told me

Jasper gently takes my hand. Dread fills my head as I let him guide me towards the wood.

Jasper stops by a fallen tree

"We need to leave forks." Jasper bluntly spoke oit

"What? Why?" I asked him

"It's time. Carlisle supposed to be ten years older than he looks; people will start to notice." Jasper told me

"When?" I asked him


I try to take all of this in

"What does that mean for Me, for Bella?" I asked him

He was silent

"Jasper, what happens when Zane. That was nothing." I told him

"Nothing compared to what could happen. You don't belong in my world." Jasper calmly told me

I know this was heartbreaking for him too

"Turn me!" I shouted

He paused

"Turn me then." I stated him

I shook his head

"No." Jasper stated

He knew I wasn't backing down. So he had to do this for me

"I won't do that for you. You only want me to turn you, so you don't get left behind. I remember specifically you saying you didn't want to be a vampire. You're not thinking straight, think about your family and friends." Jasper shook his head

"I AM THINKING ABOUT THEM! But I'm also thinking about you." I told him raising my voice

Jasper stepped forward a bit

"I'd like to ask one favor though." Jasper told me

Tears in my eyes as he asked this

"Anything." I told him

"Don't do anything stupid or reckless, do you understand. For your parent's sake. Just...take care of yourself, Darling." Jasper told me

He soften ever-so-slightly

𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 | 𝐉𝐀𝐒𝐏𝐄𝐑 𝐇𝐀𝐋𝐄Where stories live. Discover now