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ME AND JASPER WERE NOW AT OUR WATERFALL WHERE WE HEAR WATER SOUNDS. The water sounds were actually calming. Me and Jasper loved to be at the waterfall.

Jasper kept kissing my neck and my jawline distracting me from my study's

Me and Jasper, lying behind the waterfall. I read along from a book of Robert Frost poetry.

I loved poetry so much. My passion.

"I think I know enough of hate to say that, for destruction, ice is also great, and would suffice..." I quoted from the book

Jasper teasingly pulls my book away, moves to kiss me. I stop him

"English final. Gotta focus." I told him chuckled

He grins, kisses me anyway. The sun briefly comes out from behind the water, chasing mine and Jasper's skin to sparkle, making the kiss appear magical. He pulls away, smiling.

"Marry me." Jasper told me

"Shut up." I laugh playful pushing him

It's not the first- nor fiftieth- time he's asked. This is clearly a game between us.

"No." I giggled.

He kisses my face

"Marry me."

"Why?" I asked him

He kisses my neck

"Where I come, it's the way one says "I love you"." Jasper told me

I affectionately pushed him away, jumping up.

"Where I come from it's the way one says, "I got knocked up." I told him

My parents got married because my mom had gotten pregnant with Amelia. But my mom knew she loved my dad so marrying him was just a plus. Of course our grandparents were happy at first but they warmed up to the idea of my mom getting married so young.

I start to gather up my coat and books

He's suddenly right in front of me, he playfully grabs my stuff for me.

"You're worried about what people will think." Jasper said

"I'm worried that two out of three marriage end in divorce. That's bad, Jasper." I told him looking into his eyes

"The divorce rate amongst immortals is much lower. Considering you're stuck with me forever, darling." Jasper told me in his thick southern accent which made me melt

We're inches apart, the game laced with their attraction.

"Marry me, please." Jasper begged

"How about we start somewhere small first. Give me a promise ring or a necklace reminding that we are forever. Me and you." I told jasper

He smiles pulling me close and kissing me

"Wanna race back to your house?" Jasper smirks

"On three?" I asked him

Jasper hummed In response

He counted down until 3 and we raced. Running was like freedom to me. I felt free especially in moments like that. I've never felt more alive. I feel more alive when I'm around people I love. I'm my true self when I'm around people like Jasper. People I love.

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