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I WAS NOW WITH ALICE. I had already told Alice that she was not gonna plan mine and Jasper's wedding but it's not planning, just going over a couple of things, I couldn't help it. I was so excited about everything. Shopping for my wedding day excites me. And the right person to shop for weddings is Alice

Alice already showed me different ideas for the wedding, such as the theme, bridesmaid's dresses, the designs, and even my wedding dress, Alice tends to go over board for example Bella and Edward's wedding, but it was very beautiful.

We (Me and Jasper) hadn't decided on a date yet so Alice didn't know what theme to choose, since she needed to look in her vision if it was a perfect date for a wedding.

I did have an idea of what month I wanted the wedding—a June wedding!

All of a sudden Emmett and Zane approached us, looking at the all of the magazines plastered all over the floor

"What the hell happened in here?" Zane asked beside Alice

"Wedding planning." Me and Jasper in unison

"I could have swore you didn't want to start wedding planning so soon?" Emmett questioned me

But before I could answer, Alice gasped. She was having a vision while my head started to ache. It mean my powers wanted to communicate with me, my hands went to the side of my head.

I screamed out in agonizing pain

"Delilah? What's wrong? What's happening," Jasper frantically ask me. He was getting worried, and he couldn't feel my pain and he couldn't take it away.

All of a sudden my powers start to talk to me






I snapped my head towards them, suddenly my eyes snapped out glowing red

"She's gone. I can't see her future anymore." Alice panics and tries to look in her vision again.

My eyes stopped glowing red and I looked at Jasper

"Find my phone." I order loudly at my mate, and Jasper speeds towards our room and goes back immediately, and gives me my phone.

I quickly dialed Bella


"Are you alright?" I asked. The rest of the family went to the living room. Hearing the panic of me, Carlisle stands beside Esme with a concerned look on his face.

"I'm not a hundred percent sure." Bella speaks

"What's wrong? What happened?" I asked quickly, trying to figure out the problem.

"I just." Bella says as she trails off, not knowing how to explain herself. "Delilah? Alice? what did you guys see?" She changes her first sentence.

Alice looks down as Zane wrapped his arms around her.

"Here's Carlisle." I told her as I pass the phone to Carlisle. He was also very worried for the human girl.

"Has Edward been harmed?" He calmly asks,

"No." Bella answers quickly.

"I know that it's impossible, but I think I'm pregnant." The whole family gasps, and I look at Jasper, who looks as shocked as I am.

Well these wedding plans have gone to shit.

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