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AFTER BELLA AND EDWARD LEFT TO JACKSONVILLE, WE PREPARED TO TAKE DOWN VICTORIA. Alice who is glazing over, intently watching something in her mind. The woods are all mist shadows.

Emmett, than Jasper, Me then the other Cullen's, Carlisle, Esme and Rosalie. We're spread out, still as statues, waiting for Alice, ready to spring.

Jasper grabs my hand and holds it

"You're sure this is where you guys saw her?" Jasper asked Me and Alice considering I looked into Alice's mind to see her vision

"She's almost here..." Alice stated

All of a sudden I hear rustling and someone running. I inhale. Something smells wrong. We abruptly bolts in another direction.

We spin to Emmett

"On your left!" Me and Alice said in unison

Emmett explodes to his left, Rosalie right behind him. Me, Jasper and Carlisle go wide, looking to cut Victoria off, Esme and Alice following up the rear.

Victoria race through the trees, tense but not afraid. Escaping is what she's good at. She reaches a ravine she doesn't break stride just leaps across it.

Carlisle pulls up short, yells to Emmett and Rosalie.

"Wait! She's in their territory." Carlisle told us

"She'll get away." Rosalie stated

"No, she won't." I stated hearing the wolves running up

Three giant wolves leap onto the scene and take up the chase after Victoria. The leader is black, enormous. Sam.

The wolves and the Cullen's keeping to their sides of the ravine, which we realize is the line that demarcates the territories. Victoria leaps back over.

I try to blast her with my Scarlet powers but she dodges it making me angry. My eyes start to glow red.

We close in

Emmett grabs hold of her shoulder and hair they roll head over Keester. Vitoria uses the momentum to her advantage and flings Emmett off and over her into the tree.

She takes the split second he's down to leap back over to wolf-land and keeps running. Emmet is pissed.

"Emmett, don't!" Esme shouted

But Emmett, seeing red. Flies over the ravine the second his feet hit the other side Paul turns to face him.

There's a moment of standoff. It would be simple enough for Emmett to defuse the situation by jumping back but that's not his style. Paul growls with bravado. That just makes Emmett smile.

Paul and Emmett charge each other they roll a dozen yards in the dirt. Emmet lands in the water looking up at Paul who is growling at him

The next day Me and Jasper were in the school parking lot in our car when we heard Jacob and Edward arguing with Bella by their side.

We swiftly climb from our car, and place ourselves in proximity, just in case

Suddenly they stop yelling and arguing and Bella gets on Jacob's bike and they ride out of the parking lot.

I missed hanging out with Jacob. It was sad that the second I turned, he cut ties off with me.

I sign turning back to climb back in the car with Jasper following behind


Sorry short chapters lately. School is a lot ngl

Please don't be a silent reader!

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