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WE WERE ALL DOWNSTAIRS WAITING FOR BELLA AND EDWARD TO COME DOWNSTAIRS. The party wasn't to big and it was just a small intimate party. Everyone Bella knew was here. Me, Jasper, Rosalie, Emmett, Edward, Alice, Zane, Carlisle and Esme.

Alice tugs Bella and Edward to the top of the landing, then skips down the stairs,. They look down into the living room, hundreds of pink candles and rose-filled crystal bowls which were very beautiful. We all look at her.

Knowing Bella would love to just disappear, but Edward leads her down to the living room where Esme and Carlisle hugs Bella warmly.

"Sorry about all of this. We tried to rein Alice in." Carlisle stated

"Like that's even possible. Happy birthday, Bella." Esme told her

All of a sudden a flash hits everyone in the eyes, Alice had snapped a picture of Bella with them.

"Found it in your bad. Mind?" Alice asked her

Rosalie steps up and shoved a sliver package at Bella

"It's necklace. Alice picked it out." Rosalie stated looking at Bella

She looks at me places her hand on my arm and then walks away

I frown watching her walk away

Alice pulls Edward towards Bella

"Show me the love!" Alice says aiming the camera at them to take a picture

"For your scrapbook, and the photo album Delilah gave you today too, now open your presents!" Alice told Bella

Alice drags Bella over to a table piled with elaborately wrapped gifts, a huge cake and a tall stack of china plates.

"Alice, Me and Delilah are the only ones who can eat the cake. That thing could feed fifty people." Bella stated

"Hope you're both hungry. Here, this one's from Emmett." Alice says

The others crowd around...Zane somewhat away. Bella, no fan of being the center of attention, opens the gift to find an empty car-radio box

"Um...thanks?" Bella questioned looking at Emmett

"Already installed it in your truck. Finally, a decent sound system in that piece of..." he was cut off

"Hey. Don't hate the truck. Thank you." Bella told him

"Open mine." Alice told Bella

Alice hands her a box, Bella started to open it but

"Ouch. Paper cut." Bella stated

My eyes widen as a single drop of deep red blood appears

Bella thinks little of it, but then hears a disturbing, grisly snarl she look up as Zane lunges toward her, teeth bared,  eyes beyond reason

Edward flinched Bella behind his own body causing her to crash into the table, plates shattering as Zane slams into Edward; sounds like boulders colliding

Jasper quickly came by me to keep me from them

Edward pushes him, hard; Zane sails backward, hitting the wall. But he Ricochets off it and comes back at Bella.

Emmett and Carlisle take Zane from the side, holding him in place. Alice helps by placing both her hands on the side of his face

"Zane... shh.." Alice said soothingly

But she stops, her head suddenly jerking toward Bella. Then everybody's eyes snap towards Bella as they catch the overwhelming scent of her blood.

I look to see that her whole arm was cut and she was bleeding heavily

All of them now, including Edward (but not Carlisle) stare down at her, at her blood, with fevered eyes. Seven suddenly ravenous vampires

Carlisle jumps to Bella's side. Edward, through white as bone, snaps out of it and stand between her and the others.

"Emmett, get Zane out of here. Emmett." Carlisle told Emmett who didn't listen the first time

Emmett reins himself in, elbows Rosalie. They drag the snarling Zane out. Esme holds her nose, politely exits with the others. Alice looks at Bella, apologetic.

"I'm sorry, I... can't." Alice told her

She slips out the door. Edward still on guard as Carlisle examines Bella's arm

I grip Jasper's arm as I signal for him to leave

"Are you sure?" Jasper asked me

"You're torturing yourself, go with the others I'll be right there." I kissed his cheek and he left

"I'll have to stitch in this up." Carlos's stated

"I'll carry her to the kitchen." Edward stated

I moved over to Bella to make sure she's okay.

He moves to pick her up, but his eyes dart to the blood.

"I'll take care of her, Edward." Carlisle told him

Edward didn't move

"Check on Zane. Go." Carlisle ordered

I got up and looked at Bella

"Delilah, it's okay. Go be with Jasper." Bella told me

I nodded to find him in his room on his balcony sitting on the railing.

I approached him

He looked at me

"Let me take you home." He jumped down from the railing landing next to me

He takes my hand and leads me downstairs to my car. He opened the passenger seat and I climb in. He closes the door gently and Vamp speeds over towards the driver seat, he starts up the car and we pull out of the drive way.

The car ride was silent until we got to my house and he get out and opens the passenger seat immediately helping me out the car.


"I can't protect you from everything." Jasper quickly told me

"What happened with Zane..." I was cut off

"Could happen to you." Jasper stated

"Hey..." I softly told him as we leaned against the car as he looked into my eyes

"Nothing's gonna happen to me. As long as your there nothing will happen to me." I stated to him

He didn't believe it

"I promise." I step forward with no space between us

He lifted my face to his, and kisses me. He begins carefully, gently...but it changes, he becomes urgent, with an almost painful edge, as if it were goodbye.

Abruptly, he pulls away. With a last look, he turns walks off into the night, leaving me in my thoughts.

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