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I SHOUTED, CALLLING JASPER AND ALICE TO TELL THEM THAT THE WOLVES ARE COMIMG TO ATTACK US. I thought of the wolves as my friends or at least I did but ever since I turned into a vampire against my will, they've hated me ever since.

"We're outnumbered." Jasper tells us as we exit the house

"By a lot." I told them as I eyed the wolves in front of me

"I won't let them hurt my family." Edward with a straight face

My eyes glow red before I held out my hands letting the red Scarlett power take over

I see the pack of wolves emerge from the forest, the wolves growl as they walked up to us. My hands created a red mist as the wolves ran toward me. I threw a ball of energy towards them making them stumble

I was in the middle of the fight, sending out waves of scarlet mist in every direction, my power were slowly starting to dampen as I continued to fight not being able to feed for a certain amount of time can do that to my powers. I become weak, not as powerful.

Carlisle, Esme, Emmett, and Zane come speeding in finally arriving at the scene. Zane kicks the wolf to the tree, which was pinning Alice to the ground.

As I fought off another wolf another one tackled me to the ground, the wolf's paws was holding me down by my chest, making me vulnerable, since I couldn't get up off the ground, the wolf was about to rip my head off, I screamed. a light grey wolf tackles the black wolf, it was Leah's wolf, I thank her and continued to fight for my family

I back up and go to my family's side. I was beside Jasper who wrapped his arm around my waist. They were surrounding us, circling us, trapping us

"Stop, it's over!" Jacob growls running towards his old pack.

Sam is about to attack again but is stopped by Jacob moving in front of him

"If you kill her, you kill me," Jacob yells at Sam. I looked at Jacob confused for a spilt second

Then it clicked. Jacob told me about inprinting. He had imprinted on Renesmee. Even though it was something he couldn't control, it was still a bit creepy.

"Jacob imprinted." I announced quietly, making the wolf pack and the coven of vampires look in my direction, Edward knew it before me, but he was still processing the information,

he read Jacobs's mind that he imprinted on his daughter.

"They can't hurt her. Whoever a wolf imprinted on can't be harmed. It's their most absolute law." Edward finally says up.

The wolves growl. They were defeated, slowly walking back and running away into the forest. The family sighs in relief and looks at Jacob.

After the wolves left, we went back inside the house and tended to Bella.

"She shouldn't be this still." Edward stated

"It's better than watching her thrashing and screaming in agony, like I did." I stated as I look at Bella and adjusts her dress gently.

"It's the morphine." Carlisle shakes his head at Edward

"Maybe I was too late." Edward says while looking at his wife's body, who is now clean thanks, Alice, and Rosalie's. I couldn't do it, I couldn't look at her body and see all the bruises and cuts she had. All the pain she had to endure

"No, Edward. Listen to her heart." Carlisle told him

Jasper enters the room where the four vampires were, goes to my side wrapping his arm around my waist gently

"She's going to wake up in no time as a newborn. She gonna be fine." Jasper tells Edward placing a hand on his shoulder

Jasper removes his arm from my waist and places his hand on my lower back guiding me toward the balcony were we looked outside.

It had become really silent after a little while, I was still opening to Bella heartbeat and all of a sudden it stops.

I turn to look at Bella and so did everyone else. Suddenly her eyes pop up open red

I smirk knowing she's back.

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