Chapter Thirty-One

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After nearly a month of travelling by horse and camping wherever he could, Daemion finally reached Jin.

He wore a cloak that he had stored on the back of his horse and pulled the hood over his head and hair.

With his dark clothing, black leather coat, and black cloak and black leather gloves, the only revealing part of Daemion was his face.

He walked in the city. The city was not much different from the Golden City's structure, but yet it was a new world. As if the best and worst of men walked the streets of Jin. Either men of the royalty, or who men who would feast on their own young.

Daemion walked thé rather large street of Jin. There were not many silk shops like they were in Golden City, but merchants roamed the street with their goods in hand.

Daemion kept walking around, hoping he would find this "Peral of Jin" all by himself, without the bother of asking someone.

But after half a day Daemion approached a man behind a counter in a butcher shop. "Forgive me, would you happen to know where the Peral of Jin is?" Daemion asked The butcher.

The man looked up and studied Daemion's face in silence and then looked the other way and pointed down the street.

"Thank you." Daemion spoke and walked down the street that the man had pointed at.

After some time of walking, Daemion reached the bottom of the street, where he could see the blue ocean. He looked everywhere around him, trying to find either wherever this Perle of Jin is, or just ask someone who might know where this place is.

After awhile Daemion found a red wall of a massive establishment to lean on. Bunch of dark skinned beautiful women were standing only a few feet away from him in front of the door of the establishment of what appeared to be a brothel.

Suddenly a man walked to them and handed them some bronze and then women giggled and grabbed his hand and led him inside of the establishment. But it was what the man said that caught Daemion's attention.

"Truly perles..." the man laughed as he followed the women.

Daemion walked in the middle of the street and raised his head "I'll be damned..." Daemion whispered to himself as rose his head and read the sign of the brothel:

"Perle Of Jin"


Is every brothel looks like this?! Daemion thought to  himself shocked at the sight of the beauty of the brothel.

The brothel was designed in colours of red and gold. The carpets that were on the ground were made of the finest silk. And a strange scent that flew through the hallways, which smelled like lust. And women present wore heavy make ups and their seductive way of words, emptied any man's bag of coins.

To Daemion's surprise, women of all colours were present in the establishment. From Yi-Tish to silver hair Valyrian with purple eyes.

As he walked around he covered his arms and body under his cloak and sat on his knees in a corner, trying to curl up so he would not attract much attention to himself until he could ask someone who worked in this establishment for directions. Hoping that none of these fine women would approach him to offer their services.

After minutes that felt like hours, a lady with hair of colour gold, with revealing clothing that exposed much of her body walked up to where Daemion was curled up, she leaned down and observed Daemion's face, and gently pinched Daemion's cheek red.

"Yea cute thing? You looking for work?" The lady asked. Daemion could smell the alcohol on her breath.

Daemion smirked softly and slowly stood up and towered over the lady. "I would look fantastic in your outfit! Am I hired?" Daemion spoke amused as he removed his hood and let his long Raven hair fall in front of his brood shoulders.

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