Chapter Twenty-Six

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A few days has passed from that night. After few days of isolating and being alone in his chamber, Daemion chose to once more explose the Golden Palace. Perhaps I shall find more breathtaking YiTish art, as I did that night in the hallway. Daemion thought to himself.

Daemion walked down the palace, but in his search to find the Grand Hall, in which he knew the Golden Throne was located, he found a large door. Curiosity triumphed once more, as Daemion pushed the door open.

It was a library. It was far larger than the library in Dragonstone. But that was not the only difference. The bookshelves all stood tall and made of silver and gold.

Daemion looked around the massive library, each of it made of silver or gold. Daemion's eyes fell on an back of an average-height man with light brown hair, standing in front of a bookshelf and reading a semi-large book, which he was holding with one hand.

He gently walked to the light brown-haired man dressed in a long golden outfit and cleared his throat softly to announce his presence. "Prince BuGai?"

Prince BuGai raised his head, turned around and looked up to meet Daemion's deep violet eyes. "Prince Daemion." BuGai spoke as he closed the book he was reading. "I had not expected to see you in the library."

"Where had you expected me to be my prince?" Daemion asked Prince BuGai with a soft smirk, as he looked at the book Prince BuGai was holding.

"Exploring the city and drowning yourself in its wonders and fine wine." BuGai spoke as he placed the closed book in his hand on the bookshelf and took another book. "The city is quite lovely in the afternoon."

"If it is so, might I ask why you yourself are not enjoying its beauty or drinks?" Daemion asked.

Prince BuGai looked around. "I have grown up here. There is not much more for me to see." BuGai gently spoke as he opened his new book. "And I prefer the company of my books rather than wine. After all, the wine we make, is meant to be traded or bargained. Not be used on a whim for one's pleasure."

"Reading poetry and history of men greater than yourself?" Daemion tried to joke.

Prince BuGai looked at him and then smiled softly. "Yes. For one to become great he must study those greater than himself." And with that, he turned his eyes to his book and after mere seconds, he read a poem in broken high Valyrian:

"We are oft to blame in this. T'is too much proved, that with devotion's visage..."

"...And pious action we do sugar o'er the devil himself." Daemion smirked as he finished it in high Valyrian. Why is the prince practicing high Valyrian? Daemion wondered fo himself.

Daemion has known this poem with his heart. For it was the first poem his father had forced him to learn.

"A student of poetry..." Prince BuGai said with slightly wide eyes and a small smile. "...I'd be lying if I said that I am not surprised, Prince Daemion."

"Why is that so?" Daemion asked with a voice full of wonder, slightly confused by Prince BuGai's confusion. "And I am quite taken by your knowledge of high Valyrian my prince."

"Of all the things I personally have heard of you, being a man of literature was not one." BuGai smiled an unreadable smile. "Would you honour me by telling me the meaning of this poem?"

"It defines of how people often hide the evil within themselves, through the appearance of piety." Daemion answered with a calm tone. "I do not know much of your nation but I believe you've also seen men who cover their evil with a mask sent from gods themselves. For what is a better reason to commit acts on behalf of the devil himself to serve the gods?"

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