Chapter Forty-One

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Daemion watched as Amethyst Returned on horseback with Sly and her troops of men by her side from Yin, along with Zhea.

But they had brought a dozen men. Who are these men? Daemion wondered to himself.

Daemion calmly walked to Amethyst, with one hand on his wound and the other on the hilt of Dark Sister on his waist.

"Empress." Daemion spoke as Amethyst got off her horse. Sly and Zhea rode behind the troops to new members who were walking in. "You must allow me to come with you on the next campaign... I cannot stay in the fort anymore."

"Your wound is not yet healed Daemion." Amethyst spoke as she took her helmet off and looked at Daemion's bandaged-covered stomach. "You already push yourself too far by keeping moving with that wound, as if you don't want it to heal at all. Had you stayed in the bed, you would have been far better now."

"I can still fight." Daemion spoke as he straightened his back. "My wound is completely closed. That is why I shall ride with you as we start our great siege of Golden City."

"You were not wounded by arrows or even a cut of a dagger, you were nailed to the ground with a Valyrian steel blade by Jumong." Amethyst spoke softly. "Yet you are standing in front of me with your chin high and alive. I nearly lost you to Jumong, I am not willing to gamble on your life again."

"I was not the only one who was wounded that day, Amethyst." Daemion spoke as he raised Amethyst's face to his tall figure with two of his fingers and looked at the scar across her cheek, which was still pink even after nearly three months.

"What happened in South of Yin?" Daemion asked as he softly brought his hand back to his side. "Who are these poor souls?"

"Lord Har-Loi, the protector of the south of Yin, had begun to hold every passing passenger as a hostage with the accusation of being a spy. His fierce loyalty to Bu-Gai has driven him too far." Amethyst spoke as she turned her head toward the dozen people whom Sly and Zhea were aiding to sit by the fire.

"Go talk to them, Black Dragon." Amethyst spoke with half a smile and teased Daemion. "Go make yourself useful."

Daemion softly smirked and walked toward Sly. "What happened in Yin, Sly?"

"We killed a whole lot of 'em. Mistress's little friend, Zhea, wasn't wrong. They had begun holding travellers as live stocks." Sly answered as he ran his finger through his red mustache. "You should have been there, commander. The fight was beautiful. Mistress killed a whole lot of them soldiers in cold blood."

Daemion merely smirked. He knew Amethyst had begun training late at night with her sword, for he was the one instructing her with the knowledge that Gawen Corbray had passed on to him.

"When someone wants to sell their livestock, they don't ask for livestock's permission." Daemion spoke. Their lives are considered even less of the livestock than the horses that businessmen of Golden City keep... Daemion thought to himself.

"We found a man among them." Sly spoke as he brushed his now orange mustache. "He says he comes from Westeros."

"A Westerosi? This far from home?" Daemion asked as his deep violet eyes grew. "Why would he come this far from home to find himself in captivity?!"

"Perhaps he fancied the life of a slave." Sly shrugged his shoulders, as his large belly began to slightly tremble as he held back on laughing at his own joke.

"It is a curious thing, my friend. Why would he go to Yin?" Daemion spoke calmly. Is he sent by Orys Baratheon? Grandfather? Is he a bounty hunter from the Summer Isles looking for the price on my head? Daemion wondered to himself. "Westeros was thriving last I saw it with my own eyes... That was nearly seven years ago."

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