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"Congratulations your grace, lady Ceryse is with child"

The words shook Aegon to his core. How can it be? He was so damned sure that the girl was barren. What if she gives birth to a boy?!

The lords of the realm were already whispering who should sit on the iron throne, not even waiting till Aegon lay dead. Aegon knew the bitter the truth. Aenys was a fine man but fine men don't make the greatest of kings. Aegon knew that the day Maegor's son was born, there would be nothing standing between Visenya putting Maegor on the Iron throne

Maegor will be king. He has his heir now, nothing will stop him nor Vise- No no no, what if Ceryse brings fourth a girl? Perhaps then he can wed the girl to Viserys or any lord to "strengthen" their house.

The things he would do to make sure his son by Rhaenys to sit on the throne.


"Lady Ceryse is with child your grace"

The words brought a strange feeling to Visenya. A feeling similar to the day when Maegor was born. The day when she held him in her arms.

Now all that's left is Ceryse to bring fourth a son and lords themselves will call Maegor king and his son the next king after him.

Visenya never thought of herself as a grandmother. She knew she would have loved the boy or the girl. To think that her son, her boy, was to become a father himself.

A part of Visenya was happy. Truly happy. Her son, her boy, her Maegor will understand the love that parents carry for their children himself with his own chil- no son.

Visenya wouldn't have cared about what was between the child's legs if it was not for these lords of the Eelam insisting on

Maegor needed a son to make his claim to the throne unmatchable. Her nephew, Aenys, is a weak man and his children spoiled. All of them, apart from Rhaena. Gods... with every passing year, the girl looks more and more like Rhaenys. Only if Rhaenys could see her grand children Viseny thought

It did not please her that the woman who was carrying her grand child was of the blood of the septons but she knew it no longer mattered.

"Has my son been informed?" Visenya asked
"No your grace" "good, I will deliver him this happy news myself." and with with that Visenya walked to the one place she knew Maegor would be, the training yard.


The young prince's strike broke the dummy. No one dared to spar the prince. Not that he needed to prove himself anymore, the simple truth of him being Visenya's own son would send shiver to anyone who dared to question Maegors talent.

"My son" Visenya spoke "Mother" Maegor replied,
"Have you heard?" Visenya asked "Heard what mother?" Maegor asked. "Your wife is with child"

Maegor looked at his mother with disbelief  "Ceryse is pregnant?" "Yes my son"

His half brother had already fathered 3 children. And Maegor had none. But now that was about to change.

So now all he needed to do was to wait for his son to be born. And nothing would hold him back from claiming what rightfully should been his mothers before him, but he will have it. He will be the king his mother raised him to be and he will pass on everything to his son.


Aenys couldn't be any happier for his brother. After 9 years of marriage he finally could feel how it feels to be a father.

Being a father had brighten his life, since the day he held Rhaena in his arms, even now it was difficult to believe his little girl was 9.

Aenys made his way to Maegors chamber and knocked on the door. "Come" Maegor said. And Aenys entered with the biggest smile.

"Congratulations brother! I am eager for the day that your child calls me uncle." "Thank you your grace. Sun shines brighter than any other day. After all these years, my wife is finally carrying my son." Maegor said formally.

"If only you had spend half the time you spend sharpening your sword with your lady wife, we probably were celebrating my rhaena and your sons betrothal" Aenys joked and Maegor only hummed

"Have you thought of any name?" Aenys asked, hoping that he could have a decent conversation with his own brother.

Aenys had always tried to befriend Maegor at the very least, but Maegor was not interested. They were days Aenys wondered if only brothers had grew up under the same roof, how would their lives look like today. Aenys would have been there when Maegor had his first drink, he would have taught him how to sing probably. But that life had died before Maegor drew his first breath, killed by their fathers favouritism.

"No I have not" Maegor said without any emotion. " I have matters to attend to, if I may your grace"

Maegor said as he left the chamber leaving Aenys embarrassed and ashamed.

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