Chapter Twenty-Four

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Thank you Cass ♥️

Amethyst made her way down the golden palace's to its Center, to the grand hall of the golden palace.

In the grand hall next to the pillars made of gold, stood Emeera, Amethyst's younger half sister. On her far right, the golden and high throne of Yi-Ti. A throne, one of the few reminders of Great Empire of the Dawn.

Emeera is tall for her age, and a great beauty with her long light brown hair which she always wore in a bun and let her front her loose on her shoulders.

"Sister." Amethyst spoke with no emotion in her voice, for she was not pleased to see the sight of her spoiled younger sister. "I had been told that father wish to speak with us."

"Princess Emeera, your tea." An elderly servent gently stood a few feet behind Amethyst. "Hello, Lian." Amethyst gently smiled as he turned to face the old servent. To which the old servent smiled a small smile.

"Get out of here wench." Emeera spat at the older servent, and turned to Amethyst. "Father will not attend, he has send word that grand Vizir and mother will share the matter with us when they send for us." Emeera empathized on the word mother as she sneered. "Until then I do not wish to see your face, Amethyst." Emeera spat and walked past Amethyst.

Emeera stood in front of the elder servent and shoved the tip of her finger into the cup. Less then a heartbeat later, Emeera grabbed the beautifully crafted glass and threw it on the ground.

The sweet honey tea in the glass smashed the ground and the glass was shattred. "The tea is cold! Don't you know how to keep a fresh tea warm?!" Emeera spoke sharply as if she had caught the older woman stealing.

The servent got on her knees and pressed her forehead to the ground "Please forgive me my princess!" The servent begged. "There better be no glasses here when I return." Emeera spat. "Or I will tell my mothe–"

"I believe your mother, the empress, is terribly missing you. So leave." Amethyst smiled a smile filled with poison as she pressed her teeth together. Lion of the night... grant me patience... Amethyst thought to herself. "Now."

"Have fun with your ancient lover." Emeera sneered and left. You spoiled fool... Amethrys thought to herself.

Amethyst walked and sat on her knees in front of the elder servent and with her bare hands started to grab broken pieces of the glass. "Princess please I will do it!" The elder servent begged. "No." Amethyst spoke determined, and pressed her teeth together as pieces of glass broke her skin and blood dripped down. "Now help me to clean this."


"Why do you do this Amethyst?" Zhea asked as she cleaned the cuts on Amethyst's hand gently took the small pieces of glass stuck in her flesh out.

Zhea was the daughter of the late elder medic of the golden palace, and Zhea had taken over as one of the healers of the palace, who aided the women of the palace.

Zhea's blood and family tied back to the free city of Qohor. Though they were sold to slavery by the smugglers of Qohor and shipped to Yi-Ti and later sold, bought into service of God-Emperor Lo-Han, so Zhea's father could serve as the elder medic for his knowledge of foreign medicine, due to passing of the former elder medic.

It was not long after Zhea and her family's arrivel at golden palace that Amethyst, the outcasted princess, found a friend and keeper of her secrets in Zhea. And a family in the love of a family that her own did not provide.

Though in a tragic epidemic, less than a year ago, Zhea's family, Amethyst's heart family, passed in the great spring sickness that took the life of many in Yi-Ti. And Yi-Ti still struggled to recover.

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