Chapter Sixty-Two

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"My King." Daemion spoke as he walked inside of the empty small council chamber and then greeted him less formally. "Jaehaerys."

"Daemion. Thank you for coming." Young King Jaehaerys spoke as he sat ahead of the table on the King's seat and offered a seat to Daemion.

"Where is Dowgar Queen Visenya? I thought she would come when I said this was a matter of importance that required attention." Jaehaerys asked calmly.

"My grandmother, Queen Visenya, is preparing herself to leave the Red Keep after the funeral of your brother and my father. She wants to take my father's ashes to Dragonstone, and when she goes there, she wishes to remain there with me." Daemion answered as he crossed his legs. "She told me that she has enough of Kings, and if you, Jaehaerys, wish to truly become a King, you must face your challenges by yourself, for she has done all she could, first for our grandfather then your father and my father. My grandmother deserves her peace and I ask you to respect it, Jaehaerys."

Jaehaerys calmly nodded. "I understand. So it will be only you and I who will speak of the future that is coming to us."

"About what exactly?" Daemion asked as he raised an eyebrow.

"I have two men in mind as my Hand. You and Davos Baratheon's eldest son, Rogar Baratheon." Jaehaerys spoke calmly. "You refused the crown in my favor, and I wish to give you anything of value to show my appreciation and respect for you, and I believe being my Hand is a handsome reward. Will you be my hand, Daemion?"

"No, Jaehaerys." Daemion spoke calmly and with no hesitation. "You knew my answer even before I spoke it. As I said, my place is in Dragonstone as the Prince of Dragonstone. Not in Kingslanding and the stench of the city."

Jaehaerys nodded as he spoke calmly. "Well, it was worth a try. Then I must ask Rogar Baratheon to make his way to Kingslanding to wear the marker of the Hand of the King, until he assumes his father's place as Lord of Storm's End, which possibly will be in the near future. So what do you think of him?"

Daemion thought for a second and spoke.

"Rogar Baratheon is admired for his courage and boldness, respected for his strength but not for his wisdom." Daemion spoke. "You may want to be cautious of him. He can be a powerful ally but also a formidable foe. And from what I know, Jaehaerys, I don't believe you can be too sure of his loyalty."

"I know, cousin. That is what brings up the second thing I want to share with you." Jaehaerys spoke as he stood up and walked to the window behind him and watched the Blackwater Bay, and spoke. "About making alliances."

Daemion remained silent and only waited for Jaehaerys to continue to his point.

After some time of silence, Jaehaerys returned to his seat and sat down. "I am sure you have heard of what became of Stepstones." Jaehaerys spoke calmly.

"Yes. I have heard." Daemion spoke calmly and asked bitterly. "Do you want me to lead another campaign in Stepstones? To launch an attack to take back Stepstones as I did all those years ago?"

"No. Not for now anyway. Dorne has been silent since their defeat at Stormlands because of your father and Balerion. Rumour has it that Princess Deria is planning something but other rumours suggest that she is making new alliances with the East, with the free cities and even further." Jaehaerys spoke calmly and continued.

"If the rumours, that she is making new alliances with the East, are true, we need to make our own alliances here in Westeros. And after the civil war, there is only one way we can make these alliances." Jaehaerys spoke calmly.

It didn't take too long for Daemion to realize what Jaehaerys was getting at so he spoke the answer slowly and calmly, hoping he would be wrong.

"Marriage? Are you talking about marriage?" Daemion asked calmly.

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