Chapter One

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Screams filled the newly constructed Red Keep, it has been hours. Screams but not of a newly horned child but of a woman trying to birth one.

Maegor had been waiting outside of Ceryse's birthing chamber for hours and there has been nothing but screams.

Maegor finally lost his patience, he left his chamber for the Ceryse's chamber, and he crossed paths with the most important person in his life.

"Maegor, you must allow the midwives to do what they must. You cannot interfere." Visenya said
"What is happening?! She has been in labour for hours and there's just been screams and nothing more and I do not trust those cunts of a maester that is around her!" Maegor snarled

"You must be patient and pu-" Visenya was cut short by Maegor. " No mother! I am going and I will be there!" And so he made his way to Ceryse's chamber.


"Grand Maestor,Prince Maegor wishes to enter the room." One of the midwives said to Grand Maestor Gawen. "What?! Does he not know it is not appropria—" and he was cut short as Maegor barged in the chamber and grabbed his throat.

"You have been in this chamber for hours and YOU have done NOTHING. What are YOU EVEN GOOD FOR?! Perhaps pigs can feast on your flash. You are not worthy of being a dragons meal." And Maegor chocked him harder.

"Let go of him Maegor!" Visenya yelled at him and Maegor obeyed. " What are you doing Grand Maester?! How is she fairing?"  Visenya asked furiously.

Grand Maester Gawen cleared his throat before saying " My queen, lady Ceryse is a strong woman and we have tried to aid her as much as we can, but the child does not turn."

"What is there to do?" Maegor asked rather concerned. "All we can do is pray to the gods my Prince, lady Ceryse has been fighting but she has lost blood,

"The babe is coming!!" One of midwives yell, Ceryse screams got louder and louder. "I can see the head!!"

Aegon is a man of war, he conquered seven seven kingdoms and he conquered them without a small measure of fear. But tonight? Tonight Aegon the conqueror was afraid. He truly, deeply and honestly was afraid.

If Ceryse brough fourth a son...

"Your grace! Lady Cerys has given birth!" Orys said loudly as he barged in  "And?!?" Aegon asked worried.

"It's a boy."

Aegon's world collapsed. "And Lady Cerys is gone."

Maegor did not know what to feel. His wife... his beautiful Ceryse.

He loved her. In his own twisted way he loved her. Ceryse was the first woman he ever laid with. After all the days and nights the spent together, trying to conceive a child, he grew to enjoy her presence. Of course he would never admit it, and he wondered if he was going to regret it one day..

"My Prince, the king" the kingsguard announced.

Aegon, Aenys, Alyssa entered the chamber.

"Congratulations brother." Aenys said with a sad smile " it's a boy I hear." Aegon said formally. " Our condolences Maegor. Lady Ceryse would have made a fine mother." Alyssa said with a sad smile on her face.

"Ay, she would have." Maegor said with an unreadable face.

"Where's my nephew brother?" Aenys asked, attempting to change the topic. "Yes where is my grandson?" Aegon followed.

Aegon had to see the boy for himself, perhaps he was weak and could not live long after Ceryse's passing.

"He is with the midwives." "You should have brought my grandson to me my boy." Aegon said, his patience growing thin.

Maegor would have said something that he'd regret if Alyssa had not spoke first. "Have you chosen a name yet?"

"Yes, Daemion." And the room went silent.

"You surely are jesting." Aegon said " Daemion?? As in a demon?" "Don't you think it is a little excessive? I doubt that house Hightower would approve." Aenys said worriedly

"I do not care for what they have to say." Maegor said " The Hightowers are our Kin!" Aegon said angrily " You Will reconsider the name!"

"They are no kin of mine!" "But they are kin to your son Maegor!" Alyssa tried.

"Blood does not define one's kinship nor their loyalty." Maegor said bitterly looking at Aegon, that man that called him son and yet all he did was to push Visenya and Maegor aside and now he would settle for nothing less then destroying their bloodline.

Aegon knew, Maegor would not go back from his choice. So he calmed himself and only said:

" It is decided than." And Maegor only noted.

Maegor did not brought fourth the matter that angered him. Not in front of his father. But Daemien...

Midwives were walking around taking care of their new prince. Small whispers about the little prince. A prince that did not resemble his father.

"Are you sure the babe is of the prince's seed?" One of the midwives spoke breaking the silence. "I will not believe lady Ceryse brought another man to bed." Another spoke without hesitation"You will not speak ill of the dead." Another one spoke, furious at the other two.

Queen Visenya barged in, and midwives bowed "Your grace!" "Leave the chamber, I wish to be alone with the child." Visenya commanded

She had heard whispers of the prince not sharing the valyrian apparence with his father. The whispers that called him a bastard. Whispers that forgot that the babes mother was no valyrian.

But Visenya knew better. After all Orys, her brother shared no valyrian looks with her nor her brother.

Visenya walked to the cradle, every step felt like an eternity. What if after all this time, a bastard was born to Maegor?

And as she stood over the cradle she held her breath.

The whispers were true, it was apparent that the boys hair was darker than nights sky. But the babe was beautiful. Visenya could not believe her eyes. She gently picked up him up. The babe slowly opened his eyes and Visenya sighed in relief. His eyes were the darkest shades of violet.

She held Daemion in her arms. Visenya could not help but to smile. She had not held no babe in her arms since Maegor. Visenya whispered: "My grandson. They will doubt you. They will loth you. But you will rise, like a dragon. I know you will. Because you are my grandson."

And as the child opened his eyes once more, Visenya smiled.

"Welcome, Daemion Targaryen."

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