Chapter Ten

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How dare he???

Rhaena could not understand her feeling regarding her conversation with Daemion.

She felt betrayed, but more than that disappointed with herself.

Why do I even care? He is not mine. I can't have a say on any of this Rhaena thought to herself.

She despised that thought.

She had thought about Daemion... In ways that was not appropriate for a princess, none ever serious of course. But yet...

She could not help but to think of how it would have been if the two of them were betrothed. "As father had wished it so." Rhaena thought to herself. She thought of a wedding in custom of old Valyria rather under the light of seven.

She and Daemion joining their blood— No. it was not possible. Once upon a time perhaps. But now Daemion was grown and young man. A man who had seen more than most princes of their time. "Surely more than my brothers." Rhaena thought with a sad smile.

He will forget me, no matter my feeli... my thoughts about hi—

"Sister?" Rhaena's thoughts was interrupted.

"Is something of matter??" Alysanne asked concerned "You look drained. Are you unwell?"

Rhaena smiled "No sweet sister. I am well." And embraced Alyssane affectionately. "What is it that you wished to talk about?" Rhaena asked as they broke the embrace.

"Grandsire wishes to sup with whole of the family! Even with grandsire Aethan!" Alysanne said excitedly. "He also wishes for cousin and uncle to join!"

A dinner with whole family? Rhaena thought to herself, but there was not much to think of.

Rhaena grabbed Alysanne's hand and smiled. "Then let us tell mother of this."


Viserys found the raven prince in the training yard. Shooting, strangely straight, punch's at the wall. One at the time.

I wouldn't be surprised if one day they find his dead body in the training yard Viserys thought to himself, smiling to himself.

"What did that wall ever do to you?" Viserys asked amused.

"I'm building focus. Something that a friend taught me."

"Does it work?"


The two looked at each other. And they busted out laughing. "You always have to listen to everyone's "advices" cousin. It'll be the end of you." Viserys laughed.

"Coming from you? You who threw the jam out of the window rather giving it back to the cook?" Daemion chuckled "Wasting a grape jam is a sin you know."

"Do I need to remind you that you truly believed that only Dorishmen could wield spears after Aegon told you so?" Viserys threw back.

"Spears are not my specialty anyways." Daemion shrugged his shoulders. "You on the other hand, as I recall, are deadlier with a butter knife rather than a sword."

"Care to put that to the test, dear cousin?"

"You wish to spar?" Daemion asked.

"You fear I might best you?"

"No. I fear I might become a kinslayer by the end of it." Daemion mocked.

And the two spared.

Viserys knew could see that Daemion was holding back. Not because he cared for his health, but his mind was elsewhere. Where? Viserys could not tell. And yet Viserys was no match for Daemion.

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