Chapter Eight

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The red keep was nothing like what he remembered.

Daemion had made the journey on Modread to Kingslanding alongside Rhaena.

He left Modread outside of the city and had made his way to the keep. But Rhaena wished to be alone in the sky for awhile.

The Red Keep now was larger and more elegant than what he remembered. "The red keep is a far better Castel than Aegon fort ever was" Daemion thought to himself.

The training yard was not as he remembered it. Smaller than what he remembered. But what he remembered was the disappointment, and how his father avoided looking at him as he trained with the dummy, or even when he bested Viserys or even Aegon.

"My prince." A strong voice called.

Daemion gracefully turned to the direction of the voice. A certain black haired and one handed man.

"My lord hand."

"Prince Daemion." Orys studied the raven haired prince. "It's a pleasure to see you again my prince."

" The pleasure is all mine lord Orys." Daemion said "The red keep is more glorious than ever."

"It's all because of the queens efforts."

"I know." Daemion said coldly "I thank you for bringing it up. Would you know where the queen, my grandmother is?"

"I will inform her of your arrival my prince." Orys stated. "Do you wish for a companion to guide you through the red keep?"

"I appreciate your suggestion but I will manage on my own my lord hand."


The throne looked larger with no crowed.

Daemion stood in front of the the throne. The throne was made through dragon breath and black smiths hammer. The throne that was made through fire and blood. His grandmothers blood, his fathers blood. His blood.

A blood that grandfather, his dear grandfather, was desperate to erase from the history book. "It will not happen." Daemion thought to himself.

The door of the throne room was opened and Visenya walked in, and the kingsguard who accompanied her closed the door behind her, staying behind the door.

His grandmother had not changed a bit. Still as graceful, and beautiful as she was when she fought alongside the conqueror.

A rare thing it was, Visenya's smile. "My dear boy." Visenya said with a smile and embraced her grandson. Barely being able to lay her chin on his shoulder. No longer a boy Visenya thought to herself.

"Grandmother." Daemion returned Visenya's embrace. With closed eyes he enjoyed the feeling of what he was not blessed with, love of a mother. They broke the embrace. Visenya studied him from toe to head.

"I don't need to ask if you have been eating well. You have grown strong." A look of pride in Visenya's eyes. A look that she had not given to anyone since the day Maegor was knighted.

She had not seen Daemion in years, even when she visited Dragonstone six month ago. She was needed in Kingslanding to finish Aegons castle for him and help him maintain the realm, cold their relationship maybe, but their house needed them to stand as one.

Visenya knew there were still imbeciles who called Daemion a bastard. But she knew that if they had seen him they would not say such things. Daemion may not wear Maegor or her silver hair, but he wore his fathers shoulders, height and his dark violet eyes, all he had inherited from his father and his father from her.

How her grandson had grown. He looked strong, and ready... Maegor took a small boy with him, but the boy was no more. Boys have no place in what is yet to come Visenya thought to herself.

"I always knew in my heart that I would see you again." Visenya spoke. "I believe your grandfather will ask for you presence now that you are finally here."

Daemion hummed. "What does his grace has to say to me? I just arrived and he already wants me to be a member of his kingsguard? Or perhaps he wishes for me to leave for Citadel to honour my sweet kins in Old Town?"

"You are not a child Daemion, so I will be blunt. You've come to a dangerous place. a mistake? Perhaps, but I would have not forced the council to make your father the future hand if I thought you incapable."

"What must I do?"

"You are asking the wrong question Daemion."


Aegon looked outside of his window.

For years now he would seek comfort and peace of mind in the outside. Not by being a part of it but witnessing it from this very window. He could remember sweeter times, when looking out of the window, with his beloved. His Rhaenys. His love, his angel.

"What is it you command, my king?" Orys asked formally.

"I wish to see him myself."


A loud knock brought Aegon back to reality. "Today is too much of a beautiful day to ruin with my thoughts." Aegon thought to himself.

"Come." Aegon said loud. And with that the door was opened.

Aegon turned to greet the boy.

And the roof collapsed on his head.

The boy was not a boy anymore. The boy who was too scared to look him in the eyes. Replaced, by a dashing young man, strong like Maegor, and a look that he only ever seen on Visenya's face: determination. And eyes that were not shying away, but staring into his very soul. Eyes that spoke one word to him, resentment.

"Your grace." Raven haired prince said, nodding his head, not bothering to bow. "Grandfather." Daemion added with an amused tone.

"Daemion, my boy." Aegon walked to Daemion and grabbed his shoulders. Same height as his father. And one look to his hair and he knew that the man standing in front him was no longer ashamed of his heritage. A heritage coloured in black. A colour that was meant to be shamed, but yet Orys wore it like a chest plate and now so did the man who stood in front of him.

"The Red Keep already shines brighter than ever now that my son has decided to return." Aegon continued "I hope you find The Red Keep to your liking. My queen has made it one of the greatest beauties on the continent."

"It truly is a great beauty." Daemion answered.

"I've heard of your journey to Yi-Ti. Was something of the matter?"

"Nothing to be worried about grandfather. I merely visited."

"And your "visit" happened to be God-Emperor palace?" Aegon said with a forced smile.

"Yes." Daemion answered amused "The Emperor sent his regards."

"Your grace?" Orys interrupted the conversation.

"What is it?" Aegon asked, not so calm.

"Prince Aenys's ship has been seen. They will be here shortly."

"What of the princess?" Daemion asked.

"Princess Rhaena is still in the sky, my prince." To which Daemion bummed and turned his head to Aegon.

"Shall we greet them Your grace?" The raven haired prince asked, almost mocking.

"Greet them we shall, Grandson."

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