Chapter Sixty-Seven

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Aerea stood by her mother, sister and now step-father, Prince Daemion in the Dragonpit... As they all listened to the eulogy that her uncle, King Jaehaerys, spoke as they looked upon the pyre.

The pyre of her father, her sweet uncle... and King Maegor Targaryen.

She knew she would miss Maegor. He was never kind but never cruel either. She admired him. He was a powerful rider and a man who had not feared to claim the most dangerous dragon of all, Balaerion.

Some days Aerea daydreamed that she wore the face, skin and muscles of the late king, so she could ride into battle and whilst she wielded the Dark Sister, burn thousands with Balerion the Black Dread just as Maegor the Cruel did in Storm Lands just as Queen Visenya Targaryen did in the Field of Fire atop of Vhgar.

But now it was time to say goodbye to him. To Maegor Targaryen. To Uncle Viserys and her father.

"We gather today under a heavy veil of sorrow to honor the memories of two towering figures in the history of our great house: my beloved brother, Prince Viserys, and my uncle, King Maegor. And my eldest brother, Prince Aegon. Though the Iron Throne now rests heavily upon my shoulders, I stand before you not as a King, but as a grieving brother and nephew, with a heart burdened by loss.

Prince Viserys was the light of our family, a man of rare grace and kindness. His laughter could fill a hall, his strength was what my nieces, sisters and I could always rely on for his compassion knew no bounds. He was a true dragon of House Targaryen, not just by blood, but by spirit. In every action, he exemplified the values we hold dear: honor, loyalty, and a deep-seated love for our family. His presence was a beacon of hope and joy, and his absence leaves an immeasurable void in our hearts. We shall remember him not only as a prince but as a friend, a confidant, and a guide whose legacy will endure through the ages."

Daemion smiled with a broken heart to himself. For many days he had wished he could once again spar with Viserys. To share a drink and be as careless as they once they were when they were only children. So he could hear his laughter again. To see how he flustered at the sight of men he desired or how his eyes spilled with affection when he spoke of his family.

Daemion will miss him... And he knew it. And he could only pray after death, he could once again see him.

"King Maegor, my uncle, was a man of unparalleled strength and indomitable will. His reign may have been a short one... But for him, our house remains for us to only say farewell to him. Under his rule, the realm saw both strife and unity, and it is through his unwavering resolve that we stand as a unified kingdom today. Though his methods were often questioned, his intentions were always to secure the safety and prosperity of our people. His legacy is one of power and endurance, a testament to the resilience of House Targaryen. For that, I wish for our history to forget the name Maegor the Cruel... And remember him as Maegor the Mighty."

As we bid farewell to these two remarkable men, let us remember that their souls are now with the gods, guiding us from the heavens. They have left behind a legacy of strength, wisdom, and courage that we must carry forward. In their honor, we must strive to be worthy of their sacrifices, to rule with justice, and to uphold the values they cherished.

In this moment of grief, let us also find solace in the bonds of family and the strength of our unity. Together, we will navigate the future, drawing inspiration from the memories of Prince Viserys and King Maegor. Their lives, though ended, will live through in the blood they left behind..." Jaehaerys spoke and looked at Daemion gently and smiled a sad smile. "In the blood of those they loved the most."

Daemion felt as his heart was torn apart, as he felt his throat tightening, as his deep violet eyes once again met his father's body... And then he felt as the love of his life gently squeezed his hand.

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