Chapter Three

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"Where's Daemion Lana?" Visenya asked her handmaiden. "Forgive me my queen! The prince disappeared into thin air!" Lana said as she tried to avoid queen Visenya's eyes.

Daemion could be quite rebellious. "There's nothing to forgive." The boy was 6 years of age and he was already the terror of the red keep. He reminds her of herself when she was Daemion's age. "Have you looked for him in the training yard?

"No your grace, I will do so right now." Said Lana as she left the queens chamber. She needed to find the boy. Fast.

"Dracarys Modread!" Daemion said frustrated. He's been trying to get Modred to set the dummy on fire since early morning but young dragon was to young to breath fire that massive.

"Daemion." A stoic voice spoke his name. Maegor always had his on the boy. "What are you doing?" Maegor asked. The six year old looked down "I was trying to get him to set the dummy on fire."

Father was cold and distant. He hadn't shouted or worse than that beaten him, yet. Daemion did not wish to even imagine that. "That is reckless. Why do you wish to do that?" Daemion chose silence.

"You must be practicing with your spear and your sword boy. Not try to force your dragon to do what he is not ready to do." "I have already finished training with the master of arms! I can't feel my arms father..." Daemion said tired but more than that scared of what his father would say. "You think in the war that's coming your enemies would are if you're tried or not?" "What war father?" Daemion asked but before Maegor could say anything Lana arrived calling Daemion's name.

"My prince." Lana said to Maegor as she dropped her head down. "The queen have asked to bring the young prince to her." "No I will talk to her first"

Maegor walked in the chamber of his mother. "Mother, I wish to have a word with you." Visneya turned to her son surprised "Maegor? I was not expecting you. What is that you wish to tal—"

" I'm leaving the red keep with Daemion for Dragonstone."

Visenya was speechless. "Why do you wish to do that Maegor?! You are being readied for the position of the hand or possibly the master of war for your fathers council! Daemion needs companions as well! No child is on Dragonstone! You know it too well yourself."

Maegor shook his head off "Father is dotting around Daemion! Grooming him to join the kingsguard! Talking of honour in serving! Damn honour! He knows too damn well that I will not allow it so he WILL send him to stepstones to fight his damn for him! I will impale him alive on his damn throne before I allow that mother! My mind is made and I will not change my mind."

Visenya won't argue. She knows what her son is saying is true. Daemion will not be safe here in Kingslanding. Aegon will find a way to be rid of him. She knows that Daemion needs to be prepared.

A war is coming. And if her grandson is to live long enough to wear the crown, he needs to fight in it. And for that he needs to be prepared.

"I will talk to him." Visenya said.

Daemion is terrified. He's never been to Dragonstone. The stories of the buildings and the towers being the shape of dragons. Dragons that come to life and fly around the island and devour those who doesn't have the blood of dragon. But worse than that was him... father.

Father had always been cold. Dissent. Father never look at him more than necessary and when he did his eyes were set on his hair. His damn hair.

Daemion despised his hair. That is why he always wished it to be as short as possible. He despises everyone father, the king, EVERYONE!

Even his mother? He did not know.

Daemion always wonders. He hates his hair. The only thing that his mother has left for him. His raven hair. He misses his mother as strange as it is. He's never met her but yet her absence is felt. The closest thing he's ever had to a mother was grandmother.

He will miss her. He will miss his uncle too, uncle Aenys has never been anything but kind. So was aunt Alyssa and Aegon, Viserys and her... Rhaena.

Daemion had always been shy around Rhanea. He did not why but she fascinated him. She could be quite but the dragon in her could come out at any moment. His eyes never left her in feasts or weddings when she was at her most beautiful. She took his breath away. He could watch her for hours as she laughed and danced, but a strange feeling in his stomach bothered him whenever he was watching her or talked to her. He wished he was the one dancing with her or brought smile to her lips.

How could he be away from her? That's all he has been thinking about since grandmother had told him the news. And father... he was ashamed but he had to admit. He feared father more than the black dread himself. How could he be alone with him?

"Daemion?" A soft voice brought him back to reality. Her voice.

Rhaena had cracked open his chambers door waiting for him to allow her in. "Cousin?! Oh yes... Em please come in!" And like that his face had turned red. And gods... the damn strange feeling in his stomach.

"We are leaving for Dragonstone today." Daemion said worriedly. "But we will see each other again Daem!" Rhaena tried while trying to smile but deep down she too was hurting.

"Father is cruel." Daemion said slowly and low. "I'm afraid of him." "Daem..." Rhanea wanted to calm him down but she couldn't. "I have never had the strength he wanted me to have. I have lived my life trying to make him proud, I want him to be proud of me Rhaena but yet I fail. my life has no meaning..."

"If you can't find your strength, find it in me. And if you can't find a meaning in Dragonstone Daemion, please allow me to be that meaning." Rhaena said as she held Daemion's hands. She had to... and so she did. She leaned her head down and kissed his forehead.

Daemion was going to say it..."Rhaena — " My Prince, your father has asked for you." Kingsguard said as he entered.

It was time. Daemion knew it. He had to say it to Rhaena but could he? There were already whispers of Rhaena and Aegons betrothal. She would never... he couldn't be... "Rhaena..." "Don't say it Daem. Say it when you see me next time." Rhaena said as she stroked Daemion's cheek, having a sad smile on her face.

Daemion did not know what the future had in store for him. But he knew he will not be who he is when he returns to Kingslanding.

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