Chapter Fourteen

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Daemion stood in front of the weird wood tree. The tree was a part of a forgotten history and culture, but Daemion could leave somethings to imagination.

He felt a presence... a presence that he could never mistake.

"Rhaena." Daemion said with a smile, and turned around to meet the one who lived in his mind every day and night.

Rhaena was standing behind him, wearing a dark green dress with strips of red on it.


Rhaena entered the garden and saw Daemion standing in front of the weirdwood tree. He was wearing his long black coat, and underneath it the same crimson red outfit.

As Rhaena opened her mouth to call out to him. Daemion spoke: "Rhaena." And he turned around to meet her lilac eyes with his deep violet eyes.

The smile that he has on his face... it is almost as if the man who had presented the combined head of the king and monster of Magadan was gone.

Daemion truly is an enigma. Rhaena thought to herself.

"Daemion." Rhanea said softly. "The Dark Sister suits you Daem." Rhanea smiled.

She could remember days from their youth, when Daemion used to say that how badly he wished to hold Dark Sister but it is too heavy for him.

"Thank you princess."

"It's Rhaena, Daemion." Rhaena said seriously. Her heart flourished every time he said her name. She wanted him to say her name.

"How did you do it?" Rhaena asked, trying to changes the topic.

"Did what?" Daemion asked.

"You killed a king and a monster but yet there's another king in Stepstones." Rhanea stated. "What is the arrangement that you have set with the new king?"

"The new king was ready to betray the old for new forged weapons." Daemion said. Leaving the part about 600 men for Amethys army out of words.

"Why not kill everyone in Stepstones and rid it of pirates?" Rhanea asked curiously.

Daemion shook his head. "Kill them to what end?" Daemion spoke "There will always be those who will hate and conspire against Westeros. When my father or even my grandmother burned and killed everyone in Stepstones, did it stop the pirates and our enemies from regrowing stronger than ever? No it did not. It is best ally ourselves with the new king under our own conditions."

Daemion continued. "Perhaps in time we can tame Dorne through negotiations rather than going to an open war with the same result of old. The death of thousands and a queen." Daemion explained.

"Clever." Rhaena said. "I wasn't expecting you to be such a diplomat Daemion."

"Why?" Daemion asked surprised.

"You were always the warrior, and warriors don't usually use their heads." Rhaena said. Daemion chuckled. "Did you just insult my father cousin?" Daemion smirked.

Rhaena ignored the comment. "And after what you did in the throne room..." Rhaena had not gotten over Daemion's cruel act. "You threatened the whole seven kingdoms." Rhaena said slowly.

"I did." Daemion said casually.

"You are getting back at them for all the whispers and insults they made about you." Rhaena said with wide eyes.

"What they did and said about me created me. It's a basic principle of the world that every action will create an equal and opposing reaction." Daemion answered.

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