Chapter Two

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A soft knock on the door brought Visenya back to the reality. "Come in." Visenya said. Aenys entered the chamber. "Aenys? What can I do for you?" Visenya asked almost with a smile on her face, a smile that did not go unnoticed. Aenys was rather surprised, in his 25 years of life, he had not known his aunt to show any emotions. Then she did have a heart after all.

"I'd say good morrow aunt but the sun is not yet out. I only wished to meet my nephew." Aenys said with a smile, "May I?" He asked before Visenya slowly handed Daemion to Aenys. "Wow, the whispers were not a mere joke. He's indeed is a beautiful babe. I do not know what else I was expecting." Aenys stated as he studied Daemion's face "A fine prince. He will be a fearsome warrior like his father, of course you will!" Aenys said jokingly as he cradled Daemion. Door slowly opened and a small figure entered the room.

"Rhaena?" Aenys asked surprised "What is it dear?" Visenya asked softly. She held no ill intention in her heart for the girl nor her parents, but Aegon... Aegon had divided them. "I heard that the babe has been born." Rhaena said shyly " I wanted to see him." Aenys kneeled before Rhaena so she could see her cousin.

Excitement replaced Rhaena's shyness. "He is so little!" She turned to Visenya and asked shyly "Can I hold him? Please?" Her doe eyes broke Visenya heart. Rhaena looked just like Rhaenys when she was Rhaena's age. Gods how Visenya missed her. How could she deny Rhaena? "Of course." Visenya said softly.

Aenys slowly and calmly handed Daemion to Rhaena. Placing Daemion's head and body in the cradle of her arms. "He's so pretty!" Rhaena said excitedly. Daemion slowly opened his eyes and his eyes met hers. Singers say that moment, was when Daemion Targaryen fell for her.

"What's his hame?" Rhaena asked excitedly. "Daemion my love." Aenys said smiling. "Hello Daemion! I am Rhaena! Your cousin! I do not know why the maids were saying that you look strange! You have very pretty eyes! They are so dark!" Rhaena said excitedly, and went on talking to Daemion, failing to notice how Visenya's smile faded.

How dared they? To question Daemion's parentage was an act of treason, but she knew better, that small folk would only care for the colour of Daemion's hair and not his eyes or any other symbol of legitimacy. She will not allow anyone to slander him nor Maegor, but what could she do? And then it came to her. She knew what to do.

Maegor couldn't find sleep. Not when she was not by his side. Not when a boy was born to him with hair darker than the nights sky. The boy was rather beautiful, for a newborn babe anyways. Maegor was yet to spend an hour with his own son to know any more. Perhaps it was time for him to come face to face with the unpleasant truth. His heir, his son's parentage will never be called to question, but the whispers, the damn whispers...

Maegor got up and put his robes on making his way to the nursery. There was a time, not so long ago, that he envied Aenys. Aenys was the crowned prince and even a father, and now Maegor was a father too... but to a child he was not so sure if it was his.

He entered the nursery, and walked to Daemion's cradle and slowly picked him up. Small and fragile, he would hate it but he could not, and he did not know why. Gods, if one take their time studying Daemion's face long enough they would see it. Everyone believed Rhaena, Maegor's niece, resembled the lost queen Rhaenys. But gods, Daemion mirrored Visenya, as if they shared a face but one was born with raven hair, Ceryse's hair. What would Ceryse say? Would she despise Daemion or would she love him for what he is? Alyssa was right, Ceryse would have been a wonderful mother, who was he trying to fool? Ceryse would have loved Daemion. She could be dull when she talked about her gods or her family but she was a sweet and gentle soul. He will miss her.

"Ceryse... what should I do?" Maegor whispered. Maegor was not a man to acknowledge fear, but he was afraid. What if he couldn't protect his line? What if he couldn't protect him? The boy needs a mother, Maegor knew that all too well. He had his mother by his side all his life and it was more than enough. But could he be that to his own son?

"Maegor?" Visenya said softly as she entered "I wanted to see him" Maegor said slowly " I wanted to make sure..." Maegors voice was shaking, it did not go unnoticed.

Visenya put down the package that she was carrying. "He is your son Maegor" "it is not what I think that matters and you know it too mother!" "Then what is it Maegor? What is eating you up?"

Maegor swallowed his pride "I am afraid mother." "Maegor..." "I don't want to be him mother. He never was there, but what if I forsake him as I have been forsaken by Aegon? What if one day my own son despises me? Should I care or leave him lost to his hatred?!"

Her boy. Her baby boy was in pain, and it killed her that she could not ease up his pain, if she could take all his pain she would but there she sat with him and she pulled him slowly into her embrace carful not to wake her grandson up. She gave him something that may look simple to most but feel the feeling that only a mother and son could truly understand, a feeling that her grandson would never know.

After the embrace Visenya opened her package "I have something for him" and she pulled out a dragon egg. A black scaled egg, so black af it had been burning in Harenhall when Aegon burnt it with the black dread. Vhagar's egg.

Visenya placed the egg in Daemion's cradle and Maegor slowly handed Daemion to Visenya. Visneya slowly placed Daemion next to the dragon egg and kisses his forhead. Daemion turned in his sleep and hugged the egg tightly as if he could feel the warmth of life that existed inside of the egg.

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