Chapter Twenty-One

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A week has passed since that day.

Daemion laid the back of his head on the weirdwood tree. Sitting down, holding Dark Sister in his right hand as his eyes were closed, trying to concentrate calmly. In his left hand was a white lily.

I should have known better... Daemion slowly thought to himself.  Aegon is in the line to inherate the Iron Throne... He will be king and she shall be the queen... which is more than I could ever offer her...

What would I ever offer her other the look over her shoulder to see who is hunting her because of me? What am I but a son of a second son? A raven hair Targaryen... I have nothing but rumours and danger for her...

Can I ever look in the mirror if she loses a hair on her head because of me? Daemion thought to himself.

She will be the queen... And that thought alone brought a broken smile on his face. A queen... imagining Rhaena wearing the crown of the queen...

Suddenly he felt a presence. A pair of eyes that are... watching him?? A threat? May be Daemion thought to himself.

So he immidely opened his eyes like a man possessed and something quick caught Daemion's eye. A small boy in cloak hiding away immeditly as Daemion saw a glimps of his shadow.

Daemion quietly stood up and sneaked around the wall and grabbed the boys shoulder. But before he could say anything his eyes grew a little by looking at the boy.

The boy was a Yi-Tish. With his narrow eyes and thin lips which only made it more obvius as Daemion removed the boys small hood. His clothes were dusty, proof that he had snuck in.

"You are a long away from home. What are you doing here boy?" Daemion asked as he frowned a little.

The little boy only look at Daemion in fear and out of his small pocket takes out something. A sealed letter. And offered it to Daemion with shaking hands.

Daemion slowly grabbed the letter, and let go of the boys shoulder. "Thank you. Be on your way back home." Daemion spoke slow in Yitish.

The boy nodes his head and quietly runs and disappeared on the next cornor.

Daemion looks at the seal on the letter. A lioness seal. Can it be her? Daemion hesitintly thought to himself, and with that he started walking to the library to take refuge and read the letter.


As Daemion makes sure that the library is empty and no eyes is watching him, he breaks the seal, and starts reading the letter. 

"Raven prince. Prince Jumong has moved his forces to the east of Yi-Ti. With Prince Junong's rash decision to do such a thing, Prince BuGai has taken this opportunity to make his declaration as the new Emperor in a secret ceremony.
The lioness is still in the capital, unaware of this. She needs you, now more than ever"

Daemion took in a deep breath and slowly closed his eyes, hoping a thought would to his mind.

God-Emperor Lo-Han's health has finally failed him... BuGai has made his move to takes the throne as the God-Emperor sooner than I expected him to...

If he is officially declare himself as the God-Emperor then he surely will have the lioness executed and Jumong will surely dissolve my allicne with Empror Lo-Han... Daemion thought to himself.

My house needs me... The lioness needs me.


At the same time, In Oldtown. Martyn Hightower sat with his counsil of wise men. Maesters and the High Septon himself.

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