Chapter Sixteen

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Visenya elegantly made her way to king Aegon's bed chamber, with the letter at hand.

She gently knocked on the door of the chamber.

"Enter." Aegon annonced.

Visenya entered. Aegon was quite surprised. "What brings you here my queen?" Aegon asked as he was still seated behind his desk.

Visenya brought the letter up. "A letter that I got my hands on it first." Visenya said coldly.

Aegon's heart skipped a beat. That was the letter he was writing when Orys informed him that Daemion was returning from Stepstones. The letter was the command of another tour at Stepstones and by extension Dorne...

"How did you.." Aegon whispered.

"You still underestimated me, little brother." Visenay said coldly. "You may be the king but I am the queen. Not your consort but your equal." Visenya's tone got even colder. "Why?"

"Because we must make a final attack on-" Aegon was cut short.

"Why are you sending Daemion?!" Visenya asked rat louder than she had wanted, but she could feel her blood boiling.

"The boy has potential to be a great commander." Aegon answered truthfully. "I only wish to make him even greater." Aegon lied.

"Daemion is supposed to negotiate with the princess Deria Martell. Not to wage war against her and Dorne." Visenya said sharply "It is you who wants war. A war just to bury MY grandson!"

"You mis —" Aegon tried... "He is my grandson too!"

"Is he now?!" Visenya bitterly chuckled. "Tell me Aegon. Would you have sent Viserys in Daemion's stead? He is closer in age to Daemion then the rest of your grandchildren. Or better than that, would you have sent Aegon? Isnt he as the future king after Aenys supposed to see true battle at least once?"

Aegon remained quiet.

After years of staying silent, Visenya wanted the truth. She had suffered neglect and disrespects from Aegon, but no longer she will allow Aegon to continue with his attempts on Daemion's life and think that there will be no consequences.

Visenya softly started speaking. Shouts, accusations and lies is not an answer to this Aegon... for once, after all these years... speak to me. Truthfully. Visenya thought to herself.

"When you agreed to marriage between Maegor and Ceryse, you had thought her to be barren so Maegor would not have any children, but yet she birthed, to a son at that. A son who's only sin was carrying raven hair on his head, the colouring of his own mother. Thought he carries the rarest shade of violet of old Valyria in his eyes, but yet, You made sure that everyone would still call him a bastard."

Aegon remained silent.

Visenya continued, still calm. "Then you tried to groom him into joining the kingsguard, but when Maegor left with him, I believed that it was over. But now you wish to keep sending him to war, in hope of his death. But yet, he has taken those sticks you threw at him and made it a ladder to his own greatness, free of my legacy and yours. Now he is a hero to be feared thanks to what he did to the king and his pet." Visenya said calm.

"Tell me Aegon. Is all of this, all these years that have been spent in contempt and hate, your way to save the crown from my bloodline? Is it to make up for what happened to our Rhaenys because of your mistakes? Now my bloodline must die out so you can find peace?! By putting Aenys on the throne?"

"How dare you?!" Aegon yelled and stood up as he was ready to slap Visenya. "Don't you speak of her..."

"I loved her Aegon!! More than I should have! When she died it was not your love that had died! It was mine!" Visenya nearly screamed.

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