Chapter Six

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"Welcome to Dragonstone Uncle." Daemion spoke.

"Daemion?" Aenys said in disbelief. "By gods, you have grown my prince!" Alyssa followed Aenys in surprise.

Daemion stepped forward and bowed to Aenys and kissed Alyssa's hand.

"Cousins. It has been awhile." Daemion spoke as he stepped forward and stood in front of Aegon and the rest of them.

Gods, he was no longer a boy, she used to lean down to look him in the eyes but now she had to look up, way up. Aegon, standing in front of Daemion, barely reached to Daemion's neck.

He was wearing a red robe, it surly had to be the same robe he was wearing last night, and beneath that red robe a black undershirt and... a necklace?

"Sister, is he truly our cousin?" Alysanne whispered softly to Rhaena as she pulled her hand slowly.

"He is." "How are you sure if you have not seen for years?" "His eyes..."

Daemion turned his head and looked her in the eyes and a small smirk formed on his face.

She felt as blood rushed to her face.

"Let us dine." Maegor announced "I believe there's much to be discussed."

Everyone took their seats. The table was massive. But yet somehow now that all  Maegor and Aenys sat across from each other. Jahaerys and Alysanne sat next to each other. Rhaenas sat next Rhaena at the head of the table, Viserys and Aegon sat next to each other. Daemion sat on the other end of the table instead of sitting next to his father.

Rhaena had the perfect angle to study Daemion... for her own curiosity of course why else?

Maegor raised his wine, seated, and spoke:

"To the honour you have bestowed upon me and my son, your grace." Rhaena could see her father heartbroken face. "The honour is all ours brother that you have accepted us in your home." Her father smiled. "To you brother and your son, my nephew, prince Daemion! Which I hope after tonight you'd return to Kingslanding with us!"

"What do you mean by that?" Maegor asked suspiciously.

"I wish you to be my hand brother! I wish for us to rule together, as we have always been meant to do." Aenys announced as he stood up, raising his cup. "What do you say brother? Will you return to Red keep with us?"

The surprise on Maegors face did not go unnoticed. For a split second he looked in Daemion direction, to which Daemion only blinked.

Maegor stood up and walked around the table and kneeled to Aenys. "You honour me your grace." Aenys grabbed Maegors shoulders as Maegor rose, and kissed his cheeks "You need not to bow to me ever again brother, nor you my boy!" Aenys turned his head to Daemion direction "I cannot wait for you and my brother to return to the Red keep. My aunt, your grandmother, is eager to see again!" To which Daemion slightly... smiled? and nodded his head.

"Let us celebrate! Let us have music!" Aenys embraced Maegor before he returned to his sit. "We will have a much bigger feast when the day comes!"

And Music started playing. The servants brought fourth the meals. And everyone got involved.

Maegor and Aenys started speaking, well Aenys talked and Maegor listened. Jahaerys, viserys and Aegon speaking with each other and her but Rhanea... Rhaena's attention laid else where.

Daemion's attention was set on the window on his left, possibly enjoying his view or the thoughts in his head, and a light smirk the proof of his enjoyment.

His raven hair that he had let loose brought a grace to his feature, it suited him. She could still remember small details about auntie Ceryse, her calm and graceful structure, and her brushed thick raven hair that only enhanced her beauty.

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