Chapter Thirty-Three

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Daemion could see the mountain castle from the top of Modread.

After four months of riding on horses, they had finally gotten to the fields that belonged to the mountain Castle, only to hear the army of the liege lord of the mountain castle is not willing to settle for a surrender and has chosen sword and lance to bending the knee.

Daemion could see small sparkles that walked close to the castle walls. The refection of the shields and armours of the soldiers were so great that it nearly blinded Daemion from the top of Modread.

The soldiers of the lord's surely... They have come to protect their lord once they heard of our army getting closer... Daemion thought to himself. Who else could they be? But Daemion could see that Sly was quite wrong about the numbers, for the soldiers were nearly double the size of their army.

Their blood is on their hands not us. Daemion thought bitterly to himself. Daemion leaned his head down.

"Let us show them the true might of a dragon, old friend." Daemion spoke in high valyrian to Modread.

Daemion could not see the small faces of men marching in the field, looking for their moving camp. But he could feel their terror as they looked above their heads only to see a Dragon fly towards them. As Modread flew closer to the ground Daemion could hear the shouts and see the terror on the soldier's faces as they looked up to see the monstrous Modread.

"Casualties of war." Daemion hummed to himself. "Dracarys Modread."

With that, Modread opened his jaw and breathed his firy breath on the lines of marching men. The screams of their horror and pain rose to the sky, and not long after that, Daemion could smell the smell of burning flesh and iron.

As Modread breathed fire on the first line of the army, Daemion pulled his saddle so Modread could turn. "Drcarys!" Daemion roared once again.

And once more Modread breathed his fiery breath on the next line of the marching soldiers.


Amethyst watched from the distance as Modread opened his jaw and breathed a never-ending fire rain upon the army close to the castle. Dragons truly are the perfect weapons. Amethyst thought to herself.

Amethyst could not believe her eyes. Modread breathed fire atop the soldiers in the field as if it was only sport. Even in her wildest dreams she could ever imagine the unspeakcle display of power and destruction she was seeing with her eyes.

Amethyst turned her horse around and met the eyes of her men. Four months of walks and rides on harsh cold nights of Yi-Ti and hot days had led them to this moment. The ride should have only taken a month, but Zhea had suggested that they would ride through deserted jungles, for if Emperor BuGai had heard that she had an army of her own in the open, they all could have died before they could ever reach where they are now.

Amethyst raised her sword on top of her horse "MEN! If we are victorious today... it will be our first step toward the Golden City! Let us sleep under a roof and not under the moon's light!" Amethyst spoke loudly. Yells and screams could be heard among the men, as they clashed their swords to their shields as a cry for war.

Amethyst raised and pointed her sword at the burning field. "CHARGE!" Amethyst roared like a lioness.

The cries of war of the men took the sky as they began to march into the burning field.

The field was on fire. The smell of burnt meat rose as the monstrous Modread breathed fire once more on top of the field, sending soldiers running. As some of them burned, others either marched into Amethyst's army to fight a battle head-on, and some only dropped their weapons and armours and began running away from the field... Only to be caught in the fire of Modread.

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