Chapter Seventeen

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Maegor drank his wine, as grand maester Gawen unsealed the letter from Stepstones and read it loud.

"I, Obryin of house Dryland, King of Stepstones, write to small council of Aegon the dragon. By the request of prince Daemion, the Black Dragon, princess Deria Martell has agreed to a negotiations. She wishes the negotiators to take place by the next week in Greenstone. Close to Storm's End.
- King Obryin Dryland.

"So they have settled for negotiations." King Aegon spoke.

"Nothing less was expected my king." Lord Aethan Velaryon spoke. "Prince Daemion's valour in Stepstones is something to be admired by us and feared by our enemies."

Maegor slightly smirked. "I would have not entrusted Dark Sister to him if he was coward my lord." He would never have disgraced Dark Sister by giving it to a coward. Even if that coward was Daemion.

"Then we must inform Prince Daemion so he can ready himself for departure in the next few days." Grand maester spoke.

"I will inform the prince as soon as possible."  Ser Gawen Corbay spoke.

"Is the prince not in the capital?" Prince Aenys asked softly.

"He left with his dragon yesterday." Ser Gawen Corbay spoke. "He surly will return today."

"Then inform my grandson of this development when he returns." Aegon the conqueror softly spoke. "That will be all my lords."

Maegor stood to leave. "No my son. I wish to speak to you." Aegon softly spoke.

Maegor's eyebrows slightly went up. So he sat in his seat.

"My son. You and I have no spoken property for some time." Aegon softly and tiredly said.

"Forgive me father, I have been rather busy." Maegor spoke coldly. "I have not had much to do much out of council."

Wounds that have never been healed brought an uncomfortable silence.

"Did Daemion write that letter that your mother had asked him to? To ask for Martyn Hightowers aid in Stepstones?" Aegon asked softly, breaking the silence.

With that Maegor's eyebrows went up once more. "How do know of this?" But Maegor knew the answer. "Uh.. mother told you." Aegon nodded slowly.

Aegon had spoken to Visenya, after the discovering the letter. But this time not as king and a queen. But as a brother and husband.

"Having his uncle by his side during the negotiations would show the strong bond that is present in Westeros." King Aegon soflty spoke.

"No. He did not write a letter and to my understanding, he will not write a letter even for the negotiations." Maegor answered.

"He is his uncle Maegor." Aegon said disappointed. "Family must not be broken..." King Aegon whispered. I know... Aegon thought to himself.

"I did not have anything to do with it. It was Daemion's choice to not write to Oldtown." Maegor said without a hint of emotion in his voice. "And it will be his choice to whether write a letter or not!"

"Maegor..." Aegon said but he was cut short.

"What is this about father? Is it something that has happened you wish to talk about? I do not believe that now you are interested in Daemion's affairs. Unless they lead to his death." Maegor said bitterly. "And since when you care for Hightower?!"

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