Chapter Forty

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Every soul present in the walls of Red Keep gathered in half constructed Dragonpit.

Aegon the Conqueror cremated body laid on his pyre. Maegor had never thought this day would arrive. The Dragon, the conqueror, the legend made flesh, died of a stroke. Not in battle with a sword wound in his stomach, not of a disease that would slowly take his life. He died of a stroke.

Aenys was tearful as he looked at his father's pyre and his wife, Alyssa softly rubbed his back. His nephew, Prince Aegon, stood by his brother Prince Viserys, their faces cold and pained.

Jaehaerys and Alysanne stood by their elder sister, Rhaena, and her twin daughters. All wearing black. Rhaena softly stroked each of her daughters hairs with her hands as they stood by her sides.

His mother, Queen and widowed Visenya stood by him as her eyes were filled with pain. The conquest had begun with three conquerors, and yet she was still here whilst everyone she had held dear had left her alone. The last conqueror.

Orys Baratheon stood by his wife, once princess but now Lady Argella Durrandon and their son Davos Baratheon, who had finally travelled to Kingslanding from Storm's End to be by Orys's side in funeral of his half-brother.

Orys's face was cold but yet sorrow unmistakably was written on his face of the loss of his elder half-brother. Finally after years of serving a King, now it's time for you to be a lord and leave. Maegor thought to himself.

Vhagar stood on top of the massive walls of the Red Keep, as she growled softly without opening her jaw.

"Here I stand. The last of the conquers." Visenya spoke softly in High Valyrian with a firm and emotionless voice, only loud enough for Maegor to hear. "My sister, my brother... My sweet Rhaenys and brave Aegon."

"I am by you, mother." Maegor softly replied in High Valyrian as he towered over his mother. "Daemion, wherever he is, and I, are always by you."

Visenya smiled a faint smile and rubbed Maegor's muscular arm which she was holding onto and looked at her son with loving eyes, "My boys." She spoke softly with her faint smile. "Now go, my son. It is time to say goodbye to your father."

Maegor hummed, nodded and began to walk a few steps forward. He took in a breath and began to speak the eulogy in the common tongue.

"A warrior. A King. A man of honour and a Father. He was all that and more than that. Aegon the Conqueror shall be a name for history. He may rest knowing that his legacy outlived him, and it shall remain long after we join him in death. He laid a dynasty that would last a thousand years. Rest, my king. Rest, Father. Your name, your legacy will be with us, and those who shall come after us." Maegor spoke the eulogy and turned his head toward and looked at his mother and nodded.

Queen Visenya firmly and fiercely walked forward and with her strong and determined voice spoke the word. "Dracarys."

And with that, Vhagar climbed down off of the wall of Red Keep and crawled towards the pyre. Once she was close to the pyre, Vhagar breathed her fire on the pyre of Aegon the Conqueror.


Maegor walked to the ashes of his father's pyre, as he held his head high and back straightened.

The conqueror, who once stood tall and proud, was nothing but burnt ash. Nothing remained of him but his bastard sword, Blackfyre.

Maegor knelt in ashes. The blade of Blackfyre was blackened and red due to the heat of Vhagar's fiery breath, but Maegor was the blood of the dragon, and dragons do not burn by fire, so Maegor leaned down and picked Blackfyre up.

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