Chapter Forty-Two

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In Sunspear, Princess Deria sat on her throne while the ladies and lords of Dorne were seated on their chairs with fresh fruits and red Dornish wine in front of them, awaiting Princess Deria to speak first.

"My lords and ladies. It has been four years since  Aenys Targaryen ascended the throne. He's proven himself for what everyone knew he was, weak and incompetent, unlike his father. For Aegon the Conqueror, for all his faults, was at least a man who fought for what he deemed his, unlike Aenys." Princess Deria spoke. "And when his younger brother, Maegor, took it upon himself to do everything that a king must, it raised one question. If it is Maegor who truly is king, then why does Aenys wear a crown?"

The Dornish ladies and lords looked at one another and then at their Princess, as they knew after years, the time had finally come.

"Ten years ago, I negotiated with Prince Daemion Targaryen and his uncle, Lord Martyn Hightower at Greenstone. Where Daemion Targaryen only spoke of further war, his uncle, Martyn Hightower promised the ancient knowledge of Oldtown, and he made good on his promise." Princess Deria spoke. "And as you know, not so long after the negotiations, I sent my ambassador to Oldtown to Lord Martyn Hightower and offered him what I knew he would want, same as us, to be rid of the dragonlords. I saw the look inside of his eyes as we spoke of terms, I could see that he resented the Dragonlords as much as all of us."

"So the time finally is upon us." Lord Doran Vaith spoke with half a smile. The ladies and lords, all equal in power smiled and nodded and some even drank their dornish wine as they smirked.

Their long-awaited plans were soon to take life. And once they do, they shall live as free women and men under their own rules, not the rule of some dragonlord, especially not one as weak as Aenys Targaryen.

"Far be it from me to question you or your orders, my princess... But can we truly trust Matyn Hightower, or the lords of the Seven Kingdoms for that matter, to make his promises true?" Young Lord Jordayne asked as he looked at Princess Deria with his hazel eyes filled with doubt and concern.

Princess Deria smiled as the young lord asked that question, and turned her head to look at Olyvar Fowler and nodded at him to walk forward. Olyvar Fowler nodded and smiled and walked forward.

"I spoke to Lord Martyn Hightower ten years ago, not so long after the wedding ceremony of Aegon the Younger and Rhaena Targaryen." Olyvar Fowler spoke. "The lords of the Seven Kingdoms despise the Valyrian customs of incest, they call them abominations for that matter, do you truly think lord Martyn Hightower and the High Septon allowed that marriage with no agenda of their own?" Olyvar questioned as he looked at Lord Jordayne and other lords and ladies across the table. "The same way our Princess Deria, I too saw the look of anger and resentment that Martyn Hightower has for the Targaryens. Hightowers are the most powerful house in Westeros apart from the Targaryens. The rest of the kingdoms will follow them to war against Targaryens."

"And whatever their plan to seize the Iron Throne works or not, it will not be any of our concern, for we shall have what we have wanted since the conquest. Our independence and freedom." Princess Deria spoke. "We shall restore our independence to our ancient and rich kingdom."

"What of Oberyn Dryland?" Lady Qorgyle asked calmly and respectfully but her voice carried the emotion that she wished she could mask better; resentment. For she and everyone present in Sunspear loathed and dreamed of ways to make Oberyn Dryland answer for his betrayal.

"His blood colouring the narrow sea will be a proper way to show our gratitude for his betrayal." Lady Toland spoke coldly and smirked. "He will know unspeakable horror for choosing his ambition and regret of ever believing the lies and choosing to stand by the Black Dragon."

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