Chapter Forty-Nine

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Empress Amethyst watched the throne room as she is seated upon the Golden Throne.

Daemion stood by Sly and Zhea away from the Golden Throne, by a pillar. The soldiers wore crimson armors and stood silent as they all awaited God-Empress Amethyst's order.

"Bring them to God-Empress." Daemion spoke loud.

Two soldier nodded, bowed before Empress Amethyst and ran toward the golden doors of the throne room.

Minutes later, Former Empress Feng and her only daughter, Princess Emeera, were brought and thrown in front of the Golden Throne.

"Sister. Stepmother." Amethyst spoke as she crossed her legs. "It is quite lovely to see you after ten long years."

"Fuck you." Emeera spat angrily as she looked at Amethyst with her light brown eyes, filled with hatred.

Amethyst looked at her younger sister. "Emeera... You've grown, sister." Amethyst spoke. "Though you still have not mature."

"I should have killed you when your whore of a mother slept with the Emperor. I should have had her slaughtered like the pig she was and cut you out from her womb and give you to the dogs to feast upon you." Former Empress Feng spat as she cut Amethyst off.

God-Empress's grip of Golden Throne tightened. Daemion reached for Dark Sister on his waist, and soldiers pressed their teeth together to not kill the former without the order of the Empress.

"Mistress..." Sly spoke loudly in common tongue but then he switched to broken Yi-Tish. "Allow me to... crush... her skull."

Mummers and voices of agreement rose from the soldiers who were present.

Amethyst raised her hand in refusal. Sly bowed and took a step back and stood by Daemion's side.

Daemion leaned down to reach Sly's ear and whisepred. "I don't remember you ever mentioning that you had learned Yi-Tish, old friend." Daemion whispered

"Well commander, you learn a thing or two when you gamble with the soldiers." Sly whispered back.

Amethyst spoke loud, which made everyone present in the hall and Throne room to give her their undivided attention.

"I've had years to think of what I would do when I sat on the Golden Throne. Would I kill you, torture you, or simply lock you in the cells underneath the palace... But I have chosen a different approach." Amethyst spoke and looked at Emeera.

"Emeera, you shall be sent to to the temple of Lion of Night, as a priestess of Maiden-Made-of-Light, which is known for its strictness. You need more experience in life. You have been spoiled long enough. It is time for you to live and have a purpose in your life." Amethyst ordered.

"You CAN'T!" Emeera screamed. "You can't do this you bitch! You filthy usurper bitch! I hope you die! I hope all of you die!"

"I can and I will. You will obey or you shall be hanged." Amethyst spoke coldly as she gave Emeera a deadly look. "And dare yourself to call me anything but Empress, Emeera and I shall have your eyes, tongue and ear taken from you." And with that Emeera looked down as angry tears fell from her eyes.

Amethyst turned her head toward, her once stepmother, former Empress Feng.

"But as for you, former Empress. Your crimes against my father, Emperor Lohan, and my brother, Emperor BuGai–" Amethyst was cut off by former Empress Feng.

"You killed BuGai! You will not dare to spea–" Amethyst cut Feng off coldly and raised her voice.

"If anyone is at fault of BuGai's death, is you and Jumong. You for going against his orders, against the orders of the God- Emperor at the time, and Jumong for running away rather than staying by his Emperor's side to fight for him. If it were not for the assassin you sent without Emperor BuGai's knowledge, he possibly was still alive. You killed him by sending that assassin to my castle! His blood is on your hands! Not on mine!" Amethyst spoke loud. "Jumong is not here to face the consequences of his many crimes, but you are. I, Empress Amethyst, order and sentence you to be executed here and now." Amethyst spoke coldly.

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