Chapter Forty-Seven

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Orys while dressed in his silver armour with stag of, once Durrandon, Baratheon on his breastplate, watched as the Dornish fleet surrendered Storm's End.

Argella Durrandon walked to her husband. "What is it on your mind, Orys?" She spoke calmly. Argella had wished to dress in armour so she could swing a sword alongside her husband, though Orys refused.

Orys spoke coldly. "I saw Deria Martell when she came to Kingslanding on behalf of her father, Nymor. I should have taken her hand and sent her back to her father without a hand as they took my fucking hand." Orys spat from the top of Storm's End. "Every Dornish is a cunt. This only shows how much of a traitorous rat Prince of Oldtown is! Negotionishting with the Dornish with his own uncle! I know that bastard is behind this! This is his revenge!"

"You truly believe Prince of Oldtown, Daemion, is behind this?" Argella spoke as she raised her eyebrows. "If that is so, that bastard will pay with his own life for this."

"Matters not. For now, we are surrounded by Dornish cunts." Orys spoke coldly as he watched the Dornish fleet surrounding Storm's End. "Call the men, wife. I am taking the lead myself. I will see to it that we would have a river of blood."


As the soldiers are gathered in the courtyard, Orys stands atop the gate of Storm's End and speaks loudly to his soldiers.

"Dornish cowering bastards are here to take over! As if Storm's End is a ruin like Stepstones to be taken!" Orys spoke loud with mockery. "We will tear them apart and drown them in the same sea they dared to attack us from! They took my hand decades ago and they still hold it as their greatest treasure, I say let us cut their heads and sent them back to the Dornish whore, Deria Martell!"

Soldiers raised their swords and cried in agreement.

"We will remind them of–" Orys left his words undone, for he and every man present felt something heavy in the air.

As if something large was in the air and was taking over their air... And a few heartbeats after that, a shadow covered the whole of Storm's End, as if the sun was stolen from the sky...

"Where did the sun go..." One of the soldiers muttered.

"I cannot see the sky!" Another soldier spoke in terror.

A few more words of worry were spoken loudly, but none sent a shiver down the spin until Orys Baratheon spoke.

"Balerion." Orys spoke to himself calmly and spoke a name he did not wish to speak.



As Balerion reached over the sky atop the Dornish fleet, Maegor could smell the terror and piss of the Dornish soldiers who wet themselves at the sight of the Black Dread.

"Balerion." Maegor spoke coldly. "Dracarys."

And with that, Balerion opened his old jaw and breathed fire upon the Shipbreaker Bay, upon the Dornish fleet.

Maegor could smell the burning flesh and hear the screams of Dornish Soldiers, and the terror of the soldiers on the land.

Orys immediately rushed down the stairs and yelled. "Open the gate!" And turned around and looked at his men. "Men! This is our chance to slaughter those Dornish fools who are already on the land! Take my fucking land back!"

And with that Orys and his men ran toward the gate, toward the hundreds of Dornish soldiers, as Maegor brunt their fleet.

Maegor watched from the top of Balerion as Baratheon soldiers attacked the Dornish soldiers and seeing that sent an old and familiar feeling down Maegor's spine. He wanted to taste the blood of his enemies on Blackfyre, not on top of Balerion.

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