Chapter Seventy

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Rogar Baratheon walked inside the small council chamber as his wife, Alyssa Velaryon, followed him inside, as his long thick black hair flowed over his muscle-made shoulders.

King Jaehaerys was already present with Queen Alysanne by his side and the rest of the council present.

"Your grace." Rogar Baratheon spoke as he sat and barely fit his large body on his seat of Hand of the King as he ran his thick fingers on the pin of hand on his chest.

"Your grace, my son." Alyssa spoke as she sat next to her husband and looked at her daughter with a gentle smile.

"Shall we start?" Rogar Baratheon spoke with his deep voice as he looked at the King and Queen.

King Jaehaerys held on to the hand of his sister-wife and nodded and said. "Proceed."

With that, the newly appointed Grand Maester of Red Keep, Grand Maester Benifer smiled a smile and spoke.

"Then allow me to start with the happier news of today." Grand Maester Benifer spoke calmly as he presented a letter with a broken seal of Dragonstone on top of it and placed it in front of him. "I believe this news will make the council much more sweeter."

"What news, Grand Maester?" Queen Alysanne spoke as her blue eyes looked deep into Grand Maester Benifer's grey eyes.

"We have received news from Maester Dalton, who serves as a maester on Dragonstone, that Princess Rhaena is with child." Grand Maester Benifer spoke with a calm smile as he invited everyone to celebrate with his smile. "And from the weight that Maester Dalton has sent me, it appears that once more Princess Rhaena is carrying twins."

The council began to look at one another among themselves, but the faces of King Jaehaerys and Queen Alysanne formed a gentle smile.

"That is the most beautiful news. Send a gift on behalf of me and my husband to Dragonstone to my sister and my good-brother, and tell them I myself will soon visit them to congratulate them myself." Queen Alysanne spoke with a smile on her lips, and King Jaehaerys nodded with a smile.

The Grand Maester Benifer smiled and nodded. "I will write a letter and have the gift prepped soon, my Queen."

"The most welcoming news that could be heard." Alyssa spoke and added with a smile and honey in her voice but she calmed herself. "It is also gladening to know that Prince Daemion finally, at long last, will know the joy of fatherhood. It will become of him surely."

Rogar grunted to himself and spoke with a voice that carried no emotion. "Quite impressive. He is a man of Two and Thirty years of age and only now he is siring children. It is a little late for him, is it not?"

"You too are no better than he, Lord Hand." Septon Barth spoke with his calm and monotone voice. "Would you say it is also late for you?"

"Had my first lady-wife not passed away I would have sired fifteen children." Rogar spoke with a cold voice as he looked at Septon Barth but then closed his eyes and spoke calmer as he realized he had spoken of matters that belonged behind closed doors and not the small council. "I apologize, my lords, King and Queen. It was unbecoming."

"No need to apologize, Lord Rogar." Septon Samwell spoke casually with no care in his grey face. "We all pray for your late Lady-Wife's soul."

Alyssa bit the inside of her cheek, which went unnoticed by all, except for Septa Barth who saw Dowgar Queen's discomfort and discontent with the matter.

Septon Barth was perhaps the most mysterious man among the King's council. Son of a blacksmith who was given to the faith at a young age, but found himself as a Septon in Highgarden and now served as one of the many Septons in the Red Keep.

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