Chapter Fifty-Four

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Daemion ran the stairs up as he reached the top of the tower... A floor filled with doors...

Daemion desperately began to look on doors... As he looked to find the door with the symbol of the grill.

Daemion could feel as his heart was going to burst out of his chest... From excitement... but more than that...

From fear...

Gods... fourteen flames...lion of night... Whatever the fuck there is! What do you wish of me?! A limb? An eye? My tongue?! My own very life and soul? Whatever it is you shall have it... just do not allow me to find her–... Daemion could not bring himself to think that...–dead.

Daemion found the door with a silver lock on it, and the symbol of the grill. Daemion began kicking the lock. With one final kick, he broke the door and walked in...

And Daemion's heart stopped beating as his eyes fell on her.

There she was... in the middle of the room... lying on the ground with her blue dress torn... and dried blood on it.

His Rhaena.

His beautiful Rhaena.

His beloved...

She was still.

Not moving. Not even moving to for air...

Gods... I beg you... Daemion thought as his hand began to shake uncontrollably. Not her...

Daemion's legs could not move. He felt paralyzed... But it was his heart that moved his leg for him.

Daemion took the first step...

We never have seen eye to eye, gods... You are cruel, unjust and hateful... But not this time, please... Don't do this... Not this... I have killed... I have bled... I have made fathers sonless and sons fatherless... I have laughed... I have hated... But I have never begged... I beg you... Not her... anyone but her...

Pride has never let me beg for anything... But you know my heart beats just so I can caress her hair... Just one more time... One more time... That's all I want... Daemion thought to himself.

Daemion took another step...

He could remember that night... As he held her hand as they walked by Dragonstone's beach... When she was lost, trying to find her way toward the castle... He could remember how fast he had ridden Modread to Dragonstone just his eyes could meet her sight after twelve years... How his breath left his lungs when he saw her get off Dreamfyre to walk around the beach to find her way...

How he dared himself to walk toward her quietly, and she fell onto him... Her hands were placed on his chest as she looked at his face with her pale lilac eyes...

Her Eyes...

Her angelic face...

Daemion took another step...

He remembered the first time his lips found its way to her lips. Her soft heart-shaped lips... As she pulled him closer for more...As her soft slender body was pressed to his body... Of how her long silver hair tangled with his raven hair... As she moaned as he loved her and she loved him in return in Bay Of Ice... As he made her his and she made him hers...

As she softly slept on top of his chest while she was still in his arms... Only gods, and Daemion, knew that Daemion never slept that night, and only breathed the scent of her hair... and the scent of her soft naked body, as she laid on top of his body... peacefully sleeping.

Daemion took another step...

He remembered when he looked into her lively pale lilac eyes and told her the words that he had always wanted to say... Words he only spoke once... Only once...

I love you...

Gods... It had been over ten years since he had spoken those words... How he longed to speak those words... how he longed to hear her say those words to him in return...

Daemion had reached her body... and he looked down to look at her body...

... And Daemion fell to his knees as he reached Rhaena...With hands that shook, he slowly touched her face... Daemion softly lifted her legs and wrapped his arm around her back, bringing her moveless body to the cradle of his arms... holding her.

Her body was cold... No life left in it... No more Rhaena...

His Rhaena...

Daemion pressed his cheek to Rhaena's forehead as he closed his eyes and he lost himself in the pool of his thoughts:

We got became and a distance was formed between you and I...

I left and  you became an impossible dream for me... I didn't know your touch was my milk of the poppy.

I went mad after you. I wasn't like this before you... You were not going to walk my path with me, but at least you could have said goodbye.

I got drunk just by looking at lilies in the garden... as if you were next to me... My hands are far from your hands now... but unlike you... I'm still in love...

Now I just want to go back to the time that there was just you and me... You have no idea how long I waited just to see you again though you were not mine...

Do you remember when we were laughing when we were at Bay Of Ice? Gods I forgot that was over Ten years ago... All of my smiles died soon after that day...

I am Ten years late to where we never should have been, my love...

For your beautiful pale lilac eyes that were the bright moon of my darkest nights... and for the love that I bear for you that I could never speak it loud... for the time that a man is in love but his love is away from him... And now I can't do anything...I don't know why I don't reach you no matter how far I walk...

For your red lips that I never forgot their taste... lips that were redder than any rose I ever saw... lips that haunted me since the day I kissed them...

For the sound of your name that I could never even whisper it for the sound of it made my heart flourish with the hope of disappointment, for I knew I was not the one for you...

I'm an alcoholic on the wine that was your voice... I went blind every time I looked at you because you were my sun... And your face was where I looked to see what an angel look like...

And even after all these years, your face is still in my dreams... I hope I can see your eyes again so I can drown in them with the hope that no one save me from being drowned in them...

Please come back... and I will go in your stead... I know I'm no better than a stranger to you... I wish you would come back... so I could call you mine for one last time... Just one more time my love... one time...

He has no more tears left... Nothing more... He had sinned and now this was his retribution... Holding her for one last time—


Daemion's breath left his lungs by the sound of her voice... It cannot be... No... It cannot be.

"Daemion...?" Rhaena muttered into his neck, her eyes still closed as small tears left the corner of her shut eyes... As if she was dreaming... a dream that could not be the reality, as she breathed in the scent of Daemion from his neck. "Don't be another dream... my love... please..."

Daemion felt as his heart burst in his own chest... to hear his name from her lips after all these years...

Small tears left his eyes. "I am here, my love..." He whispered as tears softly rolled down his high cheekbones, "It's over."

Tears left Rhaena's eyes. Daemion gently pressed his cheek to Rhaena's forehead. "Don't be a dream..." She whispered as she became silent.

"I am here... Rhaena." Daemion whispered.

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