Chapter Five

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"My dearest love."

Rhaena turned her head to her mother.

"Mother! Is there something wrong?"

"No my love. I just wish to tell you that we are going to Dragonstone." Alyssa said.

Her heart skipped a beat "Dragonstone?"

Daemion. The first thing that came to her mind.

"Yes my dearest girl. Dragonstone." Aenys entered without knocking. "For what purpose father?" Rhaena asked.

"I wish to ask my brother to return to Kingslanding, so he'd be my hand. My aunt and the king wish it so." Aenys said with a wide smile on his face.

Daemion will come back to her, after all these years.


"Why do you wish to fly to Dragonstone my dear? Don't you wish to share a ship with us?" Aenys jokingly asked. "I wish to see island first hand myself father. Who knows perhaps I will let in the castle by the time you get there." Rhaena joked back.

"Are you sure you wish to enjoy the island and not a certain someone sister?" Viserys mockingly asked Rhaena."believe me sister. I'm sure he's married by now." Aegon joined his brother. "I am excited to meet our cousin!" Alysanne said sweetly. "I wonder how a black haired Targaryen looks like." Jahaerys whispered to himself.

"I should leave. If I stay here for a moment longer l will feed you to Dreamfyre." Rhaena said loudly "I will see you on the island." She told her mother as she embraced her.


The flight lasted far longer than she expected. When she left Kingslanding the sun was still in the sky. But now it had faded and the moon was taking its place.

It was quite hard to miss Dragonstone. But it had not occurred to her that she had no clue where to land. She flew around the island few times and finally decided to land on the closest beach but apparently the "closest beach" was an illusion. Because that beach was anything but close to the castle.

"Fuck." Rhaena whispered to herself. Should she wait for her parents ship? Where would they even get off? Are they already here? She's not even sure about that. She doesn't even know where this damn beach is. She can't even see the damn castle.

"It's ok girl." Rhaena whispered in high valyrian to her dragon. "You'll be ok, it is me who needs to find her way to castle." I guess I have to walk the shore.

And so she did. She walked long enough to reach to a part of the beach made of stone.

"And what happened to sand?" She whispered to herself just before her feet found the roundest and semi-large rock that there was.

She tripped and fell on something... well someone.

A Stranger.

She wished to scream but for a reason she could not understand why, Rhaena looked up studying the stranger. It was dark, making it quite hard for her to fully study the stranger.

The stranger was tall, she barely reached to his broad shoulder.

He was lean but not skinny, one could dare he was buff, from what she had felt when she had trip on him, he was muscular... very muscular. His thick long hair brushed over his shoulder. His hair almost as black as nights sky, so dark that if it weren't for his pale skin, his hair could serve as a hood.

She couldn't see his eyes but her eyes fell on his lips... his lips were more beautiful than all the maidens in the keep, but his lips shape... was the stranger... smirking?

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