Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Ten months have passed since the day Daemion arrived at Yi-Ti.

Ten months that he spent most days with Amethyst. Learning more about Yi-Ti. She would spend hours speaking of Yi-Ti's golden history in her YiTish tongue, and Daemion would listen.

In return, Daemion spoke of dragons and high valyrian. He would spend long hours explaining the Westerosi customs to her and of his blood.

Daemion would spend his time alone in the library. Some days he saw BuGai in the library as he was reading a book, and would bow to Daemion in respect and greet him and would go back to his reading.

Daemion never saw much of Jumong. Jumong would never join him during the training, but Daemion could always feel as Jumong watching him while he trained alone in the training court. As if Jumong was trying to see what he was truly capable of, to which Daemion wonder whether he should hold back or not.

Ten months of weekly talks with the grand Vizir in regard to finalizing their negotiations. But no matter how much they talked. Daemion kept on insisting on seeing the Emperor himself, to which it was always turned down, and for that, Daemion refused to accept it as the end of his task, saying that he would only and only accept the terms when he sees the Emperor.

But one calm and early morning as the sun had only brightened the sky, Daemion heard knocks on his door. Following the knock, Grand Vizir walked in and spoke calmly.

"The God-Emperor will see you in the Grand Hall."


Daemion walked inside the grand hall. He had expected soldiers to be lined up, to defend their god, their Emperor, and servants to spoil their god with wine and fresh fruits even this early in the morning.

But it was only the Grand Vizir who stood on the steps in front of the golden throne. And on the Golden Throne sat a man. A man so mighty that Daemion could only compare him with Aegon the Dragon.

His face calm, cold and graceful, much like BuGai. His figure was strong but not as large as Jumong. His black hair, tied above his head, but grey and white hair around his head were proof of his years of experience as a god. The Emperor wore a robe, colour of gold and crimson.

Daemion wished to feel insulted and complain to his grace Emperor LoHan, of why he had not accepted his request to speak in person sooner. However, he could not understand why, he felt that he should be honoured just for being present in the Emperor's presence.

"Your worshipness." Daemion spoke as he bowed all the way down, in the custom of Yi-Ti as Amethyst had taught him. "You have honoured me with this audience."

As Daemion rose his head slightly while bowing, to see the Emperor's face. He saw as The Emperor's graceful and cold face slightly closed his eyes and opened up and raised his arm and with a strong voice spoke; "Rise, Prince Daemion Targaryen."

"You are quite fortunate, Prince Daemion. Not many are graced by the God-Emperor's presence." Grand Vizir spoke calmly.

"And for that I am grateful, Grand Vizir." Daemion spoke. "To see that you too wish for this alliance, gladens me and my father and my grandmother."

The Emperor slowly and gracefully nodded. "So speak your mind, Prince Daemion."

"I thought it would be better to speak alone." Daemion spoke.

"My Vizir is my right-hand man. He will remain here." The Emperor spoke strongly without a change in his cold and graceful face.

Daemion slowly nodded.

"My Vizir has already told me everything that has been discussed, and my answer to you was given through him." The Emperor spoke calmly.

"Yi-Ti's ancient wealth, knowledge and arms to support my house when the time comes in exchange for a copy of manuscripts of knowledge of Oldtown's alchemy and medicines, yes. But..." Daemion spoke calmly and gracefully." It is the dragon eggs that I wish to speak of."

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