Chapter Sixty-Five

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Daemion calmly pushed Rhaena's chamber's door open and entered.

Rhaena was already sitting on her bed with her beautiful face buried in her hands as her silver-gold hair fell over her beautiful face and hands, but upon hearing the door opening, Rhaena raised her head and looked at Daemion with her pale-lilac eyes.

"My Daemion." Rhaena greeted Daemion softly as she weakly smiled. "Where were you?"

"With my Grandmother." Daemion spoke softly as he looked at his Rhaena with his deep violet eyes as his long raven hair fell over his black leather coat. "Did you speak to Jaehaerys as you wished to?"

Upon hearing her brother's name, Rhaena pressed her lips together as she looked away from Daemion, not wishing for Daemion to see her frustration and pain. "I did... But he has condemned our daughter to this marriage..." Rhaena spoke frustrated but kept her tone calm. "Our Rhaella, Daemion... Our Rhaella! She is a sweet girl... She does not deserve this... I had wanted her to know the joy of girlhood... To claim her own dragon and take the sky upon her hand... To know her heritage as a Targaryen... Not this..." Rhaena spoke with pain.

Daemion pressed his lips together. Seeing his beloved Rhaena so heartbroken and distressed broke him to pieces, yet he could not say or do anything to ease her pain... He wished he could take all of Rhaena's pain and bear it so she would be free of it.

"Rhaella is our daughter, Rhaena. Our. No matter whom she weds, she will forever be a dragon to the bone, just like her mother and her sister." Daemion spoke calmly.

"And her father." Rhaena spoke and painfully smiled.

Daemion returned her smile and gently and slowly began to take steps toward Rhaena where she was sitting on the bed.

"Our Rhaella will remain with you and me until she comes of age, Rhaena." Daemion spoke calmly as he took his hand behind his back and clenched his fist... Letting his true feelings out with his clenched fist... But yet he dared himself to think that his words somewhat eased Rhaena. "And I am sorry that I could not do more... I really tried... But in the end, Jaehaerys is King..."

"Don't be sorry, my love." Rhaena sighed calmly as she rubbed her eyes and turned her head back toward Daemion. "As you said... Jaehaerys is King... and he had already made his mind up and made his decision before informing us of this... And Rhaella's mother and who had raised her for all these years, I should have been more observant of Jaehaerys..."

Daemion reached where Rhaena was seated on her bed and softly grabbed her hand and helped her to stand up.

As Rhaena stood up, she looked up at Daemion's beautiful face and wrapped her arms around Daemion's neck and embraced him as she closed her eyes, and she pressed her nose to the side of Daemion's neck. Daemion wrapped his arms around Rhaena's waist and back, burning his face in her hair, breathing her in.

"What do you wish to do now, Rhaena?" Daemion whispered as they kept embracing one another tightly. "What is next for the eldest grandchild of Aegon the Conqueror and Queen Rhaenys and her mighty dragon, Dreamfyre?"

Rhaena smiled and softly broke the embrace and looked at her beloved Daemion.

She did not know what was ahead of herself all alone... But she knew what she wanted. She wanted to be by her Daemion's side. To be by his side alongside their daughters... Perhaps go on adventures with one another.

Anything... Anywhere... As long as they were together.

"Westeros is now different. There is somewhat of what we can call peace for now... Perhaps we can..." Rhaena spoke softly but she left her words undone as she was unsure of what to say.

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