Chapter Fifty-Five

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Daemion calmly walked out of the room, with his Rhaena in his arms

She was starved, beaten and weak... But she was alive. She is alive... Daemion could cry at only the thought of it.

To feel her in my arms again... Gods... Daemion thought to himself. Oh, Rhaena...

"Stay with me, Rhaena." Daemion whispered as Daemion walked toward the stairs. "We are going home... Together."

As Daemion and carried Rhaena downstairs, he reached to a floor that he had not noticed that he had passed...

It was larger than the whole of Golden Palace... Daemion could see the shapes of the structure that was built there... Tombs. Many tombs. And the large statues of the Seven Gods along the walls, as if the gods themselves were watching over the tombs.

As Daemion chose to walk the stairs down so he could get on Modread and leave, he heard a noise... As if someone was shaking and—


Daemion with Rhaena in his arms walked toward and found the source of the noise, behind one of the tombs pillars, as half of his robe was exposed to whoever walked next to it.

There was one Septon still alive, hiding away from his fate alongside other maester and septons.

Hiding behind the pillar of a tomb... The tomb that had a name above it: "Manfred Hightower." and beneath it, it wrote. "Son to Addam Hightower."

Upon hearing Daemion's footsteps, the septon looked at Daemion with Rhaena in his arms with fear, but yet spoke with pure hate in his voice. "You made a choice today, Black Dragon... A choice that you will never know was the right choice or the wrong one!" The Septon spat with hatred. "And that shall haunt you until the end of your days, Kinslayer!"

"It was you and them who made your choice. The blood of everyone who died today were on the hands of men who broke oath first." Daemion spoke coldly as he brought Rhaena closer to his chest. "If I was the monster you believe me to be, I would have burnt this city to it's founding stones. But this, this is my family's city! You forced my fucking hands!"

The Septon scoffed and spat angrily as his large belly and scrawny arms shook.

"Lie to yourself and to those who's your name is their cry of war. Tell them all that you had no choice but do what you did today... Tell them that you do not fear what you did here today... But you never can run from nor hide what you've done from the eyes..." The Septon pointed at the statues of the Seven gods. "The very eyes of the Seven themselves! NOR HERS!!!" The septon screamed as he pointed at a tomb at the far end.

Daemion turned his head in fury to look at where the man pointed... And Daemion froze where he stood with Rhaena in his arms.

The Tomb was elegantly made of the finest stones Daemion had ever seen. The stone above the beautifully crafted wooden door had the shape of a woman's face and a name:

Ceryse Hightower

"Mother..." Daemion muttered as he looked at his mother's tomb.

Daemion's arms tightened around Rhaena, who was in his arms as if he wished to cling to her arms to stay safe from the sight of the tomb.

"Let it be known... that Prince of Oldtown, Daemion Targaryen, spilled the blood of his own kin in the city of his own family... Kinslayer!" The Septon screamed. "You spilled the blood of your mother here! A Kinslayer is what you'll ever be! Now you will never see her again! For your mother has gone to the very heavens itself, but you... You will go to the deepest parts of the seven hells!" The septon screamed.

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