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"Oh, Fuck!" Olivia and Brystal said, simultaneously

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"Oh, Fuck!" Olivia and Brystal said, simultaneously. They found themselves looking past the Borgs to the man with them. A man with scraggly graying blonde hair, smiled cheerily at them both, clothes were a dirty red with a brown vest. He walked up to the crew who all looked at the man.

The room was lit by the suns bright yellow rays of light that entered the room. Wires and machinery poked out from the Borgs staring at the crew. The only figure that stood out was the man who had no metal on his skin nor any part of his body.

"Harry Mudd?" Kirk asked. Spock popped an eyebrow starring at the man, while the others shared a look of shock at the man. A rage brimmed Olivia at the sight of her father. 

"Bozhe moy." Chekov said in Russian, but Brystal could only speculate it meant, 'oh my god.'

"Ah, my daughter!" Mudd picked up Olivia into a long hug, Olivia choked for a bit of air, "I see you are on that ship. Is this your little friend?" Mudd looked at Brystal directly, who showed she was offended by the term little.

Harry Mudd had been just like she had imagined him, but he seemed worse than she thought. He was more arrogant and careless than she could've imagined. He seemed to ignor the facts and consequences to what he did.

Maybe he was even worse than she thought and how she already saw him. So she knew he was trusting the dangerous species of the Borgs without thinking any further in decisions. Decisions in which he would've made a much more logical decision 

"For one thing I'm not little." Brystal spat, turning to Olivia, "Is this a family reunion? I mean I've always wanted to meet your family, but not-"

"Ah, such spunk this one has!" Mudd smiled, "I like her." Brystal shot an angry look in which that Mudd didn't seem to notice, ignoring her short-lived anger. He smiled at her, admiring her spunky and fiery spirit.

"I am Captain James T. Kirk of the U.S.S Enterprise. I ask you to explain yourself."

"Explain myself? My boy, I thought my friend the Queen Borg told you. Now what did you say your name was....Jimmy....Johnny......Jane..."

"James." Jim said, a bit infuriated by Mudd's careless behavior. Jim looked at Mudd, angrily, agitated by this immature behavior.

"James. That's it! What did you exactly think would happen when you bumped into the Borgs and me? We'd let you walk free on our front yard?" Mudd asked, teasingly, "How was I to know that my own daughter and her best friend would be on your ship?"

"Ughh!" Olivia groaned in fury, "Your still the same, arrogant bastard you were before! You're such a bogus rat!" Olivia stared at her father, her eyes ablaze in an angry fire. Mudd seemed to cast off any anger she showed at him as he looked back at the crew with a smile.

"Oh, and what would make my pretty little daisy think that? Now it's rude you don't introduce me to your friends or acquaintances."

"I will do no such thing." Olivia spat. A borg suddenly grabbed her by the arm fiercely, its mechanical grip heated by the hot metal. Olivia tried to thrust her arm away, but soon a pain began to seethe through her body. Her eyes watered in her eyelids from the radiating heat in her body.

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