Brystal is the daughter of the great Admiral Christopher Pike. She was nobody special, nobody specific, but that all changed one day.
"Adventure for destiny in the stars."
[Star Trek: Reboot]
[Kirk x femme!oc]
Cover by @chasingmaybanks
Book 4 in the...
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Admiral Cauis Lemuria was pissed more than anyone had ever seen him. He had always been such a sarcastic and fun loving person that it was hard to imagine him angry. Of course from time to time, he did show frustration, but this was bigger than that
But he was showing it to Callum, Olivia, and Carol who had been trying to have a nice talk. But When Callum's datapad began to pick up Cauis's signal, they knew they couldn't escape it. He was an Admiral and had been for a few months.
The three were sat in Callum's quarters, hoping to have this break time to watch a movie. Though they had trouble agreeing at first, they finally decided to watch 2001: A Space Odyssey. As well as have a few drinks and snacks.
"Care to explain why the hell your ship was seen battling over a moon that ahan't even invented a phone yet?" Cauis asked.
He was dressed in one of his regular wears instead of an admiral like outfit. He was wearing a long sleeved black shirt with old looking jeans. Probably he had been putting some instructions and design ideas for his project of Yorktown.
Callius had been the one who agreed to the idea. Though Cauis had shown and spoke about his idea of Yorktown, since he loved reading the revolutionary war and the battle names. He found it as a worthy name for the upcoming starbase.
"It's really complicated. I could try to give the best shortly to you, sir. We pissed someone off, we had a fight, and their ship exploded," Callum tried.
He was busy behind the counter with the blocks of different kinds of cheese he kept in the fridge. Picking from cheeses of Brie, Gouda, and cheddar were all just enough. As well as a few saltine crackers plated to the side.
He had put over a gray sweater over his uniform, having been cold seconds before. Recently, having shaved, but hiding the lack of sleep well. He was much more calmed now that chaos was over for now.
"You're not going to get away with just that when it comes to Callius!" Cauis remarked.
"You didn't exactly state he couldn't say it like that," Carol added.
"She has a point," Olivia smiled.
"Could you just get the parts out of it?!?" Cauis exclaimed, "Tell me what just happened!"
"To put it shortly, but not as bad as Callum's," Olivia joked, Callum feigned fake offense, causing a few giggles out of Carol, "We had a small incident happen that got Brystal captured-"
"I'm sorry, WHAT?!?" Cauis looked at them incredulously.
"If I may finish," Olivia added, "Then, we decided, well more Jim made a deal with Amaya. We were able to find her from one of the scavengers that captured her."
"He made a what?!?"
"Then, that scavengers name was Silas, and that they both had pissed off one of Arik's old toys, Anya-"