01||Best Friend Complications

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                                                                             *Spring, 2259*

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                                                                             *Spring, 2259*

"Ms. Olivia Hale, may you please come to the front of the room." Admiral Davis asked. A young woman with shirt brown hair looked up from her seat. Her red Starfleet uniform was almost too long for her. She walked up to the podium, feeling the eyes of others on her.

There was a hush in the once loud crowd of Starfleet delegates. Her heels clicked against the stairs, she half bit her her lip as she stepped onto the podium. She kept her posture firm and formality as she stared at the council of Starfleet officers.

"Olivia Maria Grace Hale," Olivia cringed at the sound of her name as the Admiral spoke, "You stand accused of thievery and going against regulation in the face of a mission of the Starfleet Galactic Federation. How do you plead?"

Olivia cleared her throat, searching the room, seeing all eyes fixated on her. She could tell from afar the disappointed look on Nyota's face, yet Brystal was nowhere to be found in the crowd. She stood taller, knowing she was shorter than mostly everyone here. Starfleet was beyond powerful, and by any means necessary they could definitely have sent her to prison or expelled, but she wasn't going to allow that to be a disadvantage for her.

"Well first, I didn't steal it was rather terms that I had to take a shuttle, one that just happened to be needed for my mission. Secondly, please do not call my whole name, I find it...rude." Olivia spoke up, her silky and confident British voice in contrast to the American admirals voice.

An utter sound of gasps came across the room at her statement with the council looking at her shocked. Olivia began to regret the idea speaking so boldly and confidently towards the council. She glanced at Pike, her friends stepfather, who rolled his eyes at her response.

"Miss Hale, I suggest you better hold your tongue in the future, the council silences you." The Admiral spoke up. For a moment, Olivia felt a twinge of fear come up her spine. She was supposed to be someone who hired her mother legacy, who had been an excellent ambassador and captain, rather than be like her father.

"Now," An Andorian Starfleet admiral spoke, "We will continue with the charges. You are only allowed to speak when you want to defend yourself.  Ms. Hale you are charged with the crimes of stealing a shuttle without further notice to your captain and crew mates. You are the daughter of Stella Hale and Harry Mudd.."

"Please don't say his name." Olivia mumbled.

"You have shown a crime your own con-man and criminal father would commit. Your actions will have you expelled from Starfleet and you will be sent pended to imprisonment at a prison." The Andorian Starfleet Admiral told her. Her heart dropped, she almost felt like she couldn't breathe by the sound of those words.

"Council, I apologize for my previous rude statement. It was out of bounds and I should've kept my mouth shut when you spoke. Starfleet is like a home to me ever since I was very young, always fascinated by how it works and space adventures. I knew from the moment I stepped on this building, I belonged. I longed to be apart of the powerful, peaceful Starfleet command, when I got the chance to be chief engineer under Captain Archer, i leaded. I've thought over council, but please you have to believe me that I...."

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