049|| Goodbye Yellow Brick Road

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Sleep had been the thing that Brystal would've waited on, due to all the nightmares she seemed to have

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Sleep had been the thing that Brystal would've waited on, due to all the nightmares she seemed to have. But this time, sleep gave her a slight break. Her body for once felt slightly relaxed, and having the will to allow her such comfort.

The nightmarish images that would once flicker in her dreams had faded. She hadn't even woken up in a sweat. It all felt so calming that for once she could relax.

Slowly, opening her eyes, adjusting to the light from the darkness of sleep. Her face had been buried into the soft pillows. She slightly craned her neck upward, still trying to get bits of sleep out of her eyes.

Brystal's hand crawled over, only to feel an empty side of a bed, signaling that Jim was awake before her. Groggily, she moved tangled strands of hair out of her face. Blinking a few times before crawling off the bed.

Her ears were filled with the sounds of the Tv going on. She could barely even make out a few words that were being said, but something about them sounded familiar. In a rush, she rummaged through Jim's closet, fitting a leather jacket over her body.

A slight chill ran over her body, realizing she would've been cold either way. Though she relaxed, exiting the bedroom. To then look from the corner of her eye to see what was going on, a slight whiff of sweetness entered her nose.

Jim was seated on the couch, though his hair was a bit messed up. Two plates with strawberries and oranges along with what looked like sourdough bread toast. Only making her think she slept just a little bit more in than she usually did.

That's when she realized what he was watching by the simple words of a woman saying, "You mocked me once! Never do it again! I died that day!"

A smile creased across her face. A few memories began playing through her mind, all naturally very good ones. Though she couldn't help, but feel a slight aiming at teasing.

"This......again?" Brystal smiled, slightly teasing. Seeing the familiar scene of where Buttercup realizes that the Dreaded Pirate Robert's was indeed Wesley. One of the films that she could quite dozens scenes by heart.

Though she was slightly glad that she and Jim both had a a deep love for the old film. Having seen it a bunch of times when she was younger with her mother. It brought back simple, but sweet memories.

"Come on," Jim smiled, "It's a classic, and I know you love it."

"I know. I know," Brystal chuckled, taking a seat next to just to cuddle up close to him, "Brings back a lot of good memories."

"Let me guess the ones where your parents went up to Montana for a few weeks in the winter?" Jim asked, planting a gentle kiss to her forehead.

"Correct," Brystal smiled, "Some of my best memories were up in Montana. But still was a chance to see why my dad liked horses so much."

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