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The Enterprise swerved to the side, violently, sending Olivia and Brystal crashing into a wall of pipes

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The Enterprise swerved to the side, violently, sending Olivia and Brystal crashing into a wall of pipes. Screams grew loud as pipes screeched against each other. Olivia and Brystal sent each other a worried look. Their eyes both lit up in a new horror.

The ship stopped, freezing in its place. Almost as if nothing had happened. Brystal and Olivia's eyes calmed, going back to what they were doing.

A pipe burst and the swerve of a ship sent the two falling backwards into the machinery. Their bodies sliding against the metal, reaching for a pipe to grab onto. The ship creaked louder than floorboard as other screams could be heard. 

"I need to get to the bridge!!" Brystal finally said, breaking into the run for the turbolift. Sparks from wires fell to the floor as she ran across the metal bridge. Her hair flying behind her like a fire ablaze.

Fear, shock, and despair seemed to fill the room by every scream she heard. She had heard many screams before, but she always hated, knowing somebody ,isn't be losing their life. Losing their life to a cause they had supported and tried to help.

Those people who were just like her. People when they were little, gazing up at the stars, wishing to be in Starfleet. Wishing their life could be something more than it already was. Wishing they could have adventure or at least feel important. Like she wanted to.......but she learned that she didn't have to be important.

She spotted Scotty who was halfway across the bridge, trying to help someone up. The screeching and cranking of a large metal pipe swooped downward. The pipe aiming directly towards Scotty.

"Scotty!" She screamed, tackling him out of the way. The two cascaded to the side, almost falling off the edge. Brystal gripped her hands tightly onto the bars of the railing, watching as the pipe fell into the ships abyss. Her own life at stake within those few seconds.

"You alright, lassie?" Scotty asked, picking himself up. He grabbed the bars, lifting his leg up to reach the metal floor. He pulled his body over, reaching his hand out in assistance to her. She grabbed his hand, pulling her body over, only to be sprawled on the metal floor.

Brystal stared blankly at the ceiling, contemplating what was happening around her. They were under attack, but by who? Why hadn't she heard anything on her datapad?

"I think so. What the hell is going on?" Brystal asked, raising her voice over others screaming. Brystal had been down there for one reason to complete a routine check on engineering, usually being able to talk to Olivia before she returned to the Bridge.

"I don't know," Scotty told her in a honest voice. His eyes showed a truthful look which made her worry even more to what was happening on the bridge. 

"You okay?!?" Olivia rushed to Brystals aid.

"I'm fine! Let's just get to the bridge!" Brystal told her, standing up. She broke into a run once more, dodging officers and falling equipment with Scotty and Olivia behind. Smells of smoke filled her lungs, sliding into the turbolift.

Olivia and Scotty followed in after she pressed a button. The doors shut with a hiss before being jolted by another sharp hit from the ship. The three were sent, smacking their bodies hard against the turbolift walls. Brystal groaned in agony, lifting my her body away from the turbolift walls.

She didn't have time to go to sickbay, just to make sure she didn't take a fracture in her bones. She'd probably just have an ugly bruise somewhere. There was too much damage almost everywhere on the ship. Too much trouble and fright on everyone's faces.

But to her it was almost like a past life came to her. Perhaps anotehr reality where this was happening to, but she couldn't wrap her head around anything. Everything just seemed this was happening for a reason.

The door reopened with a hiss to the bridge. Just a catching a glimpse of the view screen to a large ship, higher technology than their own ship. Brystal's eyes widened recognizing the styling of the ship.


"Borgs, that's great. Just great," Olivia muttered.

"Shields at 50%!" Chekov shouted to Jim.

"What is going on?" Brystal asked, Jim turned his head just enough to speak with them.

"We might've come across a Borgs territory."


"We'll it wanst really charted on the maps."

"Captain, we are being hailed!" Uhara interrupted them, her face reading with confusion at the sudden hailing.

The screen glitched just as their fire ceased. The rattling of the ship stopped, but grunted slightly, adjusting to the firing that had now stopped.

The screen appeared with a glitching images of a woman. Her face was pale, veins poking out in shades of green and dark grays. Her eyes were dotted in an endless black. Her hair was coiled like black wires.

The room around her was bathed in a green luminous light as well as shades of black. Due to the woman's presence caused a glitch in the system. This woman was Devine toy more powerful than Brystal could estimate.

"S-Starfleet-t scum, you have entered private territory."

"I am James T. Kirk of the U.S.S Enterprise, and we are sorry for our intrusion. We haven't chatted this system yet, so we didn't know of your existence in this region of the Galaxy...." Jim began only to cut off, rudely by the Borg.

"Insolent humans and their undying wanting of knowledge. Hugo run the scan!" The borg called to another Borg.

The borg nodded before the sound of another man came into the room. The birg cocked her head at the sound, giving whatever indivual had entered the room  a menacing glare. The voice though sounded quite familiar to Olivia Hale.

The voice was human much more human the Borgs cybernetic voices. The Borg muttered something under her breath before hearing a buzzing come from the borg called, Hugo.

"Scan complete. The identity is onboard."

"Change of plans." The Borg said, nodding to another group of Borgs. The screen glitched before the sound of buttons were flicked. A smile seemed to dance on the Borgs lips.

Ribbons of white light began spiral around Brystal, Olivia, Kirk, Spock, and Chekov. The enterprise disappeared around them within seconds.

Brystal's eyes tried to direct herself in the darkness before they entered a dark lit room. Only face a man that both Olivia me Brystal recognized. Dread and anger filled them both.

A/N: I've been writing about a few characters who will appear in the stories that I really love and would like to give them a backstory. 

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