012||Down With The Enemy

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The button flashed a bright fiery red, signaling the detonators off

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The button flashed a bright fiery red, signaling the detonators off. The discs shriveled up as soon as fire erupted from them. The ship began sinking down onto the nebula skies bellow them.

Walls had exploded sending Borgs and Machinery everywhere. Two figures were sent inches into a large room covered in wires and tubes. The rooms heat felt like magma on the skin, boiling and seething.

Brystal felt her throat being grabbed by a mechanical hand. She gasped for air as her eyes met up with the Borg Queens, who's face was now peppered with sizzling holes from the fire. The cold metal felt like icy knives against her neck. 

The Borg Queen's eyes were filled with rage that she'd never seen before. Borg's were supposed to be calm, but merciless, yet she showed and anger and aggression. Brystal began struggling a glint her grip, trying to unclip her hands around her throat.

Brystal pulled a plug, aggressively from the Borg Queen, who shrieked in response. She let go of Brystal immediately, grabbing at the plug that had fallen from her body. Brystal hid behind a block of machinery, watching from the corner of her eyes as the Borg Queen pulled the plug back into the circuit.

Brystal breathed heavily, almost hyperventilating at almost being choked to death. Her eyes danced around the room, looking for some sort of we plan to defend herself with. Her communicator was laying on the ground, the cover broken off from being thrown.

The Borg Queen seemed preoccupied with getting that plug back in. She at least had enough time to grab the communicator. She started to slide her body over towards the communicator, trying to make no noise.

Her fingers barley brushed against the communicator. She tried gliding her body towards the small object, her finger making it twirl around. As her hand reached out to grasp the communicator, a bone crunching underneath someone's boot numbed her body in pain.

Brystal let out an ear piercing scream as she watched the Borg Queen lift her foot off her left femur. She used her other foot to kick the communicator farther away. Brystal stared up at her, The Borg Queen made her eye contact look powerful, to make Brystal feel useless.

"Dammit!" Brystal cursed, her femur was definitely fractured. She couldn't move much, but she'd have to if she wanted to get off the doomed ship.

"Shit! Shit!," Callum half-yelled and half-mumbled to himself as he looked underneath a control panel of the Enterprise. He could feel Olivia's eyes bearing into the back of his head as he looked at the colorful set of wires.

His hands rolling out each wire, looking for some sort of circuit or plug. It had only been months since he'd been on a starship, why couldn't he remember what wire was which? After all these years of trying remember things, his memory decided to fail him in these moments.

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