035|| Crosshairs

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"Attention all crew of the Enterprise," Jim began his transmission through the speakers,"As you know, earlier today, at approximately four hours ago, an incident occurred on board the Enterprise

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"Attention all crew of the Enterprise," Jim began his transmission through the speakers,"As you know, earlier today, at approximately four hours ago, an incident occurred on board the Enterprise. Three individuals managed to sneak onboard the ship, no trace or evidence of how they tracked the ship. Sabotaging the speakers to play music, able to turn the shield off for just enough time to be beamed onto the ship. They escaped before we could identify the three individuals, but we were able to catacombs a glimpse of their ship. A T-800. The ship is now heading off into unknown territory not charted on any of our maps. One member severely injured. One under captivity. Starfleet has instructed us to find these individuals and bring them to justice at all costs.......Kirk out."

Jim let all what he said sink in, allowing himself to try and find a way to handle the situation. But he was down on an officer, a supporter, and overall....his girlfriend. Whoever took her was only there for her, and they left not even a breadcrumb behind.

He looked around the meeting room, the darkened white glow of the ship, the deep pools of shadows that clung to the walls. Spock seeming as if he was calculating the situation in his own assessment. Worried glances were exchanged between Chapel, Callum, and Uhara.

Leonard sat with a slight scowl, his arms crossed. Sulu and Chekov sat quietly, uncharacteristically. Scotty waited a bit impatiently, his foot bobbing up and down underneath the table just waiting for the captain to begin again.

"Who was last to have communicated with Brystal?" Jim asked the crew.

"I was. She asked on my opinion in how to unclip the cuffs off the device. Then I ended the call right before Olivia said she heard noises outside her room," Callum answered, nervously. His expression was starting to crease lines if sorry above his eyebrows.

"Kit's going to kill me," Chapel muttered under her breath, but Jim sighed upon hearing that.

Jim knew exactly the way Kit had been since his parents died in the Khan incident. He was extremely protective over Brystal, even going as far as wanting his fiancé, Christine to keep an eye on her. He wouldn't be surprised if Kit tried to kill him for not getting Brystal out of trouble.

"You're not the only who he might kill," Jim muttered before asking, "What is Ms. Hale's condition?" His gaze turned over to Leonard.

"Whoever shot her has the perfect aim of an assassin ready to strike its prey," Leonard answered, "Completely shattered two bones connecting the shoulder to the arm, I'm surprised it wasn't dangling off as much as it should've. Could take a few days to heal at last."

"It would be best if Lieutenant Hale stayed off duty due to the injuries she suffered today," Spock added to which Jim nodded.

"And she was the only one to have seen the three individuals?" Jim asked.

"Other than......Ms. Pike, yes," Uhara's words were hinted with hesitation and slight denial. Her words seemed to linger in the rooms atmosphere.

Silence hung the air as Kirk contemplated and analyzed the situation. Somehow only three people sabotaged the Enterprise. It would've taken at least a larger group  to do so, but these individuals must've not been ordinary.

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