Brystal is the daughter of the great Admiral Christopher Pike. She was nobody special, nobody specific, but that all changed one day.
"Adventure for destiny in the stars."
[Star Trek: Reboot]
[Kirk x femme!oc]
Cover by @chasingmaybanks
Book 4 in the...
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Zach nervously fidgeted with his fingers against the seat, slightly uncomfortable. With two chairs in front of him, but nobody sat there. He'd been used to the feeling of being watched, but not like this. He was being used to show proof of his old masters works and deals.
And honestly with the way the room looked, made him feel more uneasy. It was quite empty, except for the chair in front of him and the security camera on the ceiling. Reminding him so much of Caera, or what had been a planet once.
All of his fears had heightened, endless possibilities that could lead to all painful outcomes. Becoming incoherent puddles of words that never formed. They were shortly extinguished when he noticed two people enter the room.
He was so unbelievably skittish.
"Hello?" Zach asked.
He wanted to hit himself so bad after saying that. He'd been made already to greet any person he hadn't met or been introduced to. But Arik was gone, he shouldn't be doing every little detail he'd been instructed to execute.
His once solitude area was now an area with three people. Until some of the light from the box above, signaled another person had come to watch. He looked up for a split second to catarrh a glimpse of the person, seeing it was Brystal.
"Hello, Zach, I'm Ms. Uhura and this is Mr. Spock. We are being assigned to divulge everything about your enhanced brain to get a grip of what Arik was experimenting with," The woman told him, giving him a soft smile. It was a good reassurance that relaxed the tensed nerves.
"I think I understand. It's for the better," Zach answered with.
He inhaled a deep breath that swallowed up every fear he obtained throughout his life. Knowing his knowledge was extensive from all sorts of topics. Giving him history, science, and math, he'd probably know the answer.
Verbally and mathematically, his brain was charged like a lightning bolt. He could fire away any question and know thousands of smart answers. He was trained to be that way, making him unsure if he'd ever be different.
As soon as the two sat down, Zach straightened himself up in his seat. Preparing himself for any question that was about to be thrown at his way. Just to prove some parts of his enhanced brain were actually were just as smart as they'd been told.
"What is the square root of 2,396,304?" Spock asked Zach.
The Vulcan looked up from the questions, his face looking pleased, hiding his slight shock at his answer. Though, Uhura showed her own shock and surprise at him being correct. Knowing nobody exactly could remember square roots right off the top of their head. But the Vulcan continued on.
There was still a plethora of questions to ask.
"What is the central assumption of Quantum Cosmology?"