Brystal is the daughter of the great Admiral Christopher Pike. She was nobody special, nobody specific, but that all changed one day.
"Adventure for destiny in the stars."
[Star Trek: Reboot]
[Kirk x femme!oc]
Cover by @chasingmaybanks
Book 4 in the...
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Starfleet Headquarters, next day
Brystals datapad began beeping, causing her to look over from her book. She had been in the middle of A Tale of Two Cities. She was mesmerized by every word, how the author had the story seem realistic, and how every character drove her spirit. She had read it many times before, she knew the ending too well.
Yet, the story felt like the adventures she had in the Enterprise. Love, loyalty, friendship, and sacrifice. Being in Starfleet came with these exact qualities in people. People could love another, show loyalty to their captain, start friendships, and sometimes even things come at a greater cost.
Books and movies were all she could do in her free time. Books were something she'd could start and not decide to finish unlike her missions, same as any movie. They brought her a joy while she wasn't on a mission which wasn't often.
She picked up her datapad, reading her father had sent a message. She rolled her eyes, annoyed how she had already gotten comfortable in her regular clothes. A cozy, black leather jacket and gray attire always seemed to look better on her.
"Seriously now? It's like-" Brystal looked at the time, realizing she had woken up earlier than usual. The time blinked back numbers of 7:30. She squinted, rubbing her head, realizing she had woken up two hours earlier than usual.
"Shit!" She mumbled, grabbing her gray Starfleet uniform.
"Spock, I'm telling you this is why he called us," Kirk smiled, cheerily at Spock and Brystal, "I can feel it." Kirk was holding his gray uniform hat in his hands while Spock and Brystals seemed pinned on their heads. Brystal couldn't help, but smile at Jim's cheerful face.
They were talking long strides to her fathers office who they called there. It was early in the morning with the sun hanging low as it rose. Cities began to spring to life as ships and shuttles began to fly around. Cadets and officers began to walk around the Starfleet headquarters.
"Your feeling aside, I consider its highly unlikely that we will be selected for the new program." Spock bluntly stated.
"Spock's right. Getting your hopes up isn't that great." Brystal smiled at the Vulcan. Spock was right on the part they may not be selected, but he definitely didn't think about that it would be a 50/50 chance. Jim walked up closer to them both, his smile still the same.
"Why else would Pike want to see us?!? I mean the gave us the newest starship in the fleet. Who else are they gonna send?" Jim asked.
"I can think of numerous possibilities." Spock stated, bluntly. Brystal smirked at the Vulcans comment.
"A five-year mission!" Jim patted both of their shoulder shoulders, "That deep space, that's uncharted territory! That's how incredible that's going to be! And I'll have the best officers with me." Brystal smiled at Jim's sweet comment, but kept her response firm.