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Brystal found herself almost practically spiraled across the floor. Pain numbed her ribcage and spread towards other parts of her body. Though she sparked her hardest to grunt just so she could withstand her pain. 

Slowly, she got up to her feet, wondering what Amaya and Anya were doing. Her eyes had only caught a glimpse before she was thrown down a few levels. But the level she was in appeared to be the bridge due to the many series of consoles and its big window opening to the outside of space.

She immediately looked up to see the Enterprise was hitting away from some gunfire and had received minimal damage, but still did appear to be scratched by Anya's weaponry. Though what caught her attention was the small ship plummeting towards the lower half of Anya's ship. But it wasn't a Starfleet one.

"Bry!" Olivia shouted grabbing Brystal's wrist, suddenly.

"Via?!?" Brystal spoke.

"We need to get out of here! Silas's ships going to crash into this ship at any moment!" Olivia rambled like Brystal knew already what was going on.

"Wait, WHAT?!?" Brystal practically gaped. Even after the hours, she'd spent learning about the Crosshairs members past, never in her life could she see Silas doing something that crazy. 

But then she stopped herself, halting Olivia as well. Who took that moment to realize something was on her friend's mind. Though she knew that it was better to be safe than sorry, she knew she might not like what Brystal was about to say.

"Bry?" Olivia asked, her voice softer this time.

"I need to stay behind," Brystal breathed out.

"No! I can't! I promised Jim that I would get you back on the ship!"

"Not without Amaya!"

"You've got to be fucking kidding me! You know what she did! Why go back for her?!?" Olivia cursed.

"It's....personal......but I promised long ago to someone that I'd make another Recreation realize their mistakes and have a second chance. Anya needs that," Brystal tried to explain.

"Like Leo said, that woman is a complete psycho!"

"Just let me do it!" Brystal begged Olivia, "I can never go back on a promise I made with Elsa."

Olivia froze at the name. Remember a few images of the young woman who had cracked jokes and how her red hair had been tossed when she was frustrated. She could remember the way she talked and every move she made to get what she wanted.

She was much more relaxed than her mother had first described Elsa. The girl she'd grown fond of, one who had always stood by others when fighting. But everyone had seen her a hero for those who had met her, and ones who hadn't saw her as a myth.

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