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Brystal turned the corner, making her way towards the council where she had been called to. Without her noticing another woman appeared out of the corner much older than her. Brystal was too busy to even see the woman who had appeared from behind her.

The woman took off her hood from her face, taking a breath of the cold metallic air. It was much more soothing than a tanning cloth wrapped around your face like the Skylers when they were out on business trips. She walked into the open after Brystal, knowing this could be the only time she could speak to her.

Her nerves peaked a bit when her lips finally felt the urge to move.

"Ms. Pike," The woman said, seizing Brystal in her spot. Brystal truned to face the woman who was wearing a tanning gray hood with a tanned collar. Brystal had never seen this woman around before nor had she ever recognized her face, but something did feel familiar about her.

Brystal looked at the woman, studying every inch of her. To her graying brown hair, to her brown eyes, and to her face. Then suddenly, the memories of what the Borg Queen had shown her came back to her, matching this woman's image she had seen in the memories.

The Borg Queen had showed her this woman through her memory transfer. She was in that ship, and had defeated the Borg Queen. Brystal's eyes widened, slightly in realization.

"I'm sorry. You look.....familiar," Brytsals began.

"I know I do," The woman answered, "I probably shouldn't even be doing this, Spock would talk the shit out of me for talking to you." The woman chuckled after thinking of the thought.

Brystal raised an eyebrow before remembering the story of Spock Prime. How he had accidentally traveled into the future. Brystal saw the woman's face fit like puzzle pieces fit into the jigsaw, she finally understood who this woman was.

"I'm sorry but are you..." Brystal began.

"I am you." The woman said. The two walked up closer to each other so they were only a few inches apart, making the conversation only heard between them.

"How?" Brystal's asked.

"Time travel by Spock's black hole he created," Brystal Prime answered, "Enjoying your time on the Enterprise?"

"To tell you the truth..........I've been asked by the council to switch ships. I'll be getting the paperwork and all that jazz," Brystal told her.

"I'm guessing you're not enjoying you position?" Brystal Prime asked.

"I am......I don't know," Brystal said, not finding any words that could help her.

"I was like you where I come from. How's Olivia?" Brystal Prime asked.

"Olivia's doing good. She's happy her fathers finally in jail," Brystal's answered.

"In my reality, her father, Mudd was never captured by Starfleet, instead he was haunted by androids of her mother," Brystal Prime said, "How's Sera?"

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